Changes between Version 211 and Version 212 of UvmatHelp

Dec 15, 2022, 6:57:27 PM (2 years ago)



  • UvmatHelp

    v211 v212  
    572572 * '''3D_quadr:''' this is like 3D_linear, but takes also into account a quadratic deformation by the optics which occurs for wide fields of view (small focal lengths).
     574 * '''3D_order4:''' like 3D-quadr but takes into account order 4 deformation (to use only with large angle objectives)
    574576 * '''3D_extrinsic:''' this is like 3D_quadr, but uses intrinsic parameters of the camera, as explained below.
    623625=== 8.3 Setting the reference plane(s) ===
    624 Deducing the physical coordinates from image coordinates requires information on the illumination plane. The default assumption is that the objects in the image are in the plane used for calibration (assumed horizontal with x,y coordinates), but '''uvmat''' can handle volume scanning by a laser plane. A set of section planes can be defined by their origin positions and rotation angle vectors. Theses planes are labelled by a ''z index'', assumed to be the frame index j (case of volume scan), or the index i modulo the number of slices !NbSlice (case of 'multilevel' scan). These settings are stored in the xml file <!ImaDoc> as part of the section <!GeometryCalib> and can be edited from '''uvmat.fig''' with the menu bar command '''[Tools/set slice]'''. A dialog box '''set_slices''' appears for entering the first and last section plane positions ''z'', as well as the number of slices and the option 'volume_scan' ('multilevel' otherwise). In the absence of 3D scan put twice the same value for first and last z.  Finally a tilt angle of the laser sheet, around the ''x'' and ''y'' axis, can be introduced, with a possible angular scanning from first to last section planes. After introduction of the plane position information, the z-index is displayed in the frame '''[!FileIndices]''' of '''uvmat.fig'''. The local ''z'' position of the mouse pointer, assumed to lay on the current section plane, is then displayed in '''[text_display]'''.
     626Deducing the physical coordinates from image coordinates requires information on the illumination plane. The default assumption is that the objects in the image are in the plane used for calibration (assumed horizontal with x,y coordinates), but '''uvmat''' can handle volume scanning by a laser plane. A set of section planes can be defined by their origin positions and rotation angle vectors. Theses planes are labelled by a ''z index'', assumed to be the frame index j (case of volume scan), or the index i modulo the number of slices !NbSlice (case of 'multilevel' scan). These settings are stored in the xml file <!ImaDoc> as part of the section <Slice> and can be edited from '''uvmat.fig''' with the menu bar command '''[Tools/set slice]'''. A dialog box '''set_slices''' appears for entering the first and last section plane positions ''z'', as well as the number of slices and the option 'volume_scan' ('multilevel' otherwise). In the absence of 3D scan put twice the same value for first and last z.  Finally a tilt angle of the laser sheet, around the ''x'' and ''y'' axis, can be introduced, with a possible angular scanning from first to last section planes. After introduction of the plane position information, the z-index is displayed in the frame '''[!FileIndices]''' of '''uvmat.fig'''. The local ''z'' position of the mouse pointer, assumed to lay on the current section plane, is then displayed in '''[text_display]'''.
    626628-''' Refraction effect:''' refraction effect can be accounted for if calibration was done in air by selecting the check box refraction, and introducing the water height (assumed at ''z''=cte) and refraction index. The apparent distance reduction for objects below the water height will be then taken into account.
    630632=== 8.4 Structure of the XML file ===
    631 The coefficients are recorded in the XML element <!ImaDoc/GeometryCalib> as follows:
     633The coefficients defining the calibration are recorded in the XML element <!ImaDoc/GeometryCalib> as follows:
    633635 * <!CalibrationType>: type of calibration ('rescale', 'linear', '3D...').
    655657 * <!PointCoord>: [x y z X Y] , where x,y,z are the physical coordinates of each point, X Y its image coordinates.
    657  * <!NbSlice_i>: nbre of slices for the first field  index i (multilevel case), =1 by default.
    659  * <!NbSlice_j>: nbre of slices for the second index j (volume scan), =1 by default.
    661  * <!SliceCoord>: [x y z] positions (nb lines) of the nb planes, where nb=!NbSlice_i (multilevel case) or nb=!NbSlice_j of j indices (volume scan), for parallel volume scan, x=y=0, z= slice height, for angular scan, [x,y,z]=[origin].
    663  * <SliceDZ>:   step distance between planes.
    665  * <SliceDPhi>: step angle for angular scan.
     659 The parameters defining the slice positions are in the XML element <!ImaDoc/Slice> as follows:
     661 * <!NbSlice>: nbre of slices
     663 * <!CheckVolumeScan>=0 for the multilevel case (position is given by index i modulo !NbSlice ), =1 for volume scan (position is given by index j)
     665 * <!SliceCoord>: [x y z] positions (!NbSlice lines) of the !NbSlice planes. For volume scan with translation, x=y=0, z= slice height. For angular scan, [x,y,z]=[coordinate on the rotation axis].
     667 * <!SliceAngle> set of !NbSlice angles. !SliceAngle(i,1) = angle of rotation around x axis for  plane #i . !SliceAngle(i,2) = angle of rotation around y axis for plane #i. ( !SliceAngle(i,3)=0 is not used)
    667669== 9 - Masks and grids ==
    836838The button '''[TEST]''' allows the user to witness the correlation as a live plot. It first opens the source image in a new figure '''view_field'''. By moving the mouse in the figure, the local correlation box and the corresponding search box are drawn in the image, and the 2D correlation result then appears in a new figure 'Figure1 Image Correlation' which automatically pops up. It is possible to freeze the current correlation plot, and get the values in the Matlab work space, by left mouse selection. The figure belows shows the correlation process and the '''[!SearchBox]''' and '''[!CorrBox]''' explained before.
    838   [[Image(civ1_test.jpg)]]  [[Image(Correlation for PIV.png)]]
     840  [[Image(civ1_test.jpg)]]    [[Image(Correlation for PIV.png)]]
    840842The grid determines the positions of measured velocity vectors: it sets the central positions of the correlation boxes (in pixels) for the first image. A default regular grid can be set by the meshes '''[num_Dx] ''' and '''[num_Dy]''' (in pixels). Alternatively a custom [#a9.2Grids grid] can be stored in a text file and selected by the check box '''get grid'''. This is convenient to limitate the processing to a subregion or to fine tune the resolution.
    10261028== 13 - Editing XML files with the GUI editxml ==
    1027   This GUI ''' editxml.fig'''  visualises and edits XML files. It is automatically called by the browser of ''' uvmat.fig'''  when a file with extension .xml is opened.
     1029  This GUI '''   editxml.fig'''    visualises and edits XML files. It is automatically called by the browser of '''   uvmat.fig'''    when a file with extension .xml is opened.
    10291031When an input file is opened, editxml detects the title key, e.g. <!ImaDoc>, and looks for the corresponding XML schema (e.g. {!ImaDoc.xsd} ). This schema is sought  in the directory defined by <!SchemaPath> in the installation file {PARAM.xml} of UVMAT. If the schema is found, the hierarchical structure and keys given by the schema are diplayed.  Otherwise the  keys of the XML file are displayed.