Changes between Version 23 and Version 24 of UvmatHelp

Jun 2, 2013, 9:45:10 AM (12 years ago)



  • UvmatHelp

    v23 v24  
    738738 * 'fill_GUI';... % fill a GUI with handles 'handles' from input data Param
    739739 * 'imadoc2struct';...% convert the image documentation file ImaDoc into a Matlab structure
     740 * 'nomtype2pair';... creates nomenclature for index pairs knowing the image nomenclature, used by series fct
    740741 * 'nc2struct';...% transform a netcdf file in a corresponding matlab structure
    741742 * 'num2stra';...% transform number to the corresponding character string depending on the nomenclature.
    755756 * 'check_files';...% check the path, modification date and svn version for all the function in the toolbox UVMAT.
    756757 * 'close_fig';...% function  activated when a figure is closed
     758 * 'compile';...% compile a Matlab function, create a binary in a subdirectory /bin
    757759 * 'copyfields';...% copy fields between two matlab structures
    758  * 'delete_object';...%delete a projection object, defined by its index in the Uvmat list or by its graphic handle 'fileparts_uvmat': splits a file name in root and indices and recognize file naming convention
     760 * 'delete_object';...%delete a projection object, defined by its index in the Uvmat list or by its graphic handle
     761 * 'displ_uvmat';...% display a message using  msgbox_uvmat or on the log file in batch mode
     762 * 'fileparts_uvmat': splits a file name in root and indices and recognize file naming convention
    759763 * 'filter_tps';...% find the thin plate spline coefficients for interpolation-smoothing
    760764 * 'find_field_cells';...% group the variables of a nc-formated Matlab structure into 'fields' with common dimensions
    761765 * find_field_cells': test field structure for input in proj_field and plot_field, group the variables  into 'fields' with common dimensions
    762766 * 'find_file_series';...%check the content of an input file and find the corresponding file series
     767 * 'find_imadoc';...% find the !ImaDoc xml file associated with a given input file
    763768 * 'fullfile_uvmat';...%creates a file name from a root name and indices.
     769 * 'get_file_series';...% determine the list of file names and file indices for functions called by 'series'.
    764770 * 'get_file_type': determine info about a file (image, multimage, civdata,...)
    765771 * 'griddata_uvmat';...%make 2D linear interpolation using griddata, with input appropriate for both Matlab 6.5 and 7
    766772 * 'hist_update';...%  update of a current global histogram by inclusion of a new field
     773 * 'imadoc2struct';...%convert the image documentation file ImaDoc into a Matlab structure
     774 * 'interp2_uvmat';...% linearly interpolate an image or scalar defined on a regular grid
    767775 * '!ListDir';... scan the structure of the directory tree (for dataview.m)
     776 * 'mask_proj';...% restrict input fields to a mask region, set to 0 outside
    768777 * 'open_uvmat';...% open with uvmat the  field selected in the list of 'civ/status' or 'series/check_data_files'
    769  * 'peaklock';...% -'phys_XYZ';...% transform coordiantes from pixels to phys
     778 * 'peaklock';...%
     779 * 'phys_XYZ';...% transform coordiantes from pixels to phys
    770780 * 'px_XYZ';...% transform coordiantes from phys to pixels
    771781 * 'read_civxdata';...reads civx data from netcdf files