Changes between Version 25 and Version 26 of UvmatHelp

Jun 2, 2013, 10:48:04 AM (12 years ago)



  • UvmatHelp

    v25 v26  
    709709=== Other GUIs:(function .m and associated figure .fig) ===
    710710 * 'browse_data';...% function, associated with the GUI 'browse_data.fig' for scanning directories in a project/campaign
    711  * 'civ';...   %function associated with the interface 'civ.fig' for PIV and spline interpolation
     711 * 'civ';...   %function associated with the interface 'civ.fig' for PIV and spline interpolation (to be replaced by civ_series in series fcts)
    712712 * 'create_grid';...% called by the GUI geometry_calib to create a physical grid
    713713 * 'dataview';...% function for scanning directories in a campaign
    725725=== functions activated by mouse and keybord in GUI : ===
    726726 * 'keyboard_callback';... % function activated when a key is pressed on the keyboard
    727  * 'mouse_down';% function activated when the mouse button is pressed on a figure (callback for '[wiki:WindowButtonDownFcn !WindowButtonDownFcn]')
    728  * 'mouse_motion';...% permanently called by mouse motion over a figure (callback for '[wiki:WindowButtonMotionFcn !WindowButtonMotionFcn]')
    729  * 'mouse_up';... % function to be activated when the mouse button is released (callback for '! WindowButtonUpFcn')
     727 * 'mouse_down';% function activated when the mouse button is pressed on a figure (callback for '!WindowButtonDownFcn')
     728 * 'mouse_motion';...% permanently called by mouse motion over a figure (callback for '!WindowButtonMotionFcn')
     729 * 'mouse_up';... % function to be activated when the mouse button is released (callback for '!WindowButtonUpFcn')
    731731=== main functions used: ===
    739739 * 'cell2tab';... % transform a Matlab cell in a character array suitable for display in a table
    740740 * 'fill_GUI';... % fill a GUI with handles 'handles' from input data Param
    741  * 'imadoc2struct';...% convert the image documentation file [wiki:ImaDoc !ImaDoc] into a Matlab structure
     741 * 'imadoc2struct';...% convert the image documentation file !ImaDoc into a Matlab structure
    742742 * 'nomtype2pair';... creates nomenclature for index pairs knowing the image nomenclature, used by series fct
    743743 * 'nc2struct';...% transform a netcdf file in a corresponding matlab structure
    794794 * 'tps_eval';... %calculate the thin plate spline (tps) interpolation at a set of points
    795795 * 'tps_eval_dxy';...% calculate the derivatives of thin plate spline (tps) interpolation at a set of points (limited to the 2D case)
    796  * 'update_imadoc';...  %update the [wiki:ImaDoc !ImaDoc] xml file
     796 * 'uigetfile_uvmat';... browser, and display of directories, faster than the Matlab fct uigetfile
     797 * 'update_imadoc';...  %update the !ImaDoc xml file
    797798 * 'update_waitbar';... update the waitbar display, used for ACTION functions in the GUI 'series'
    801802 * 'avi2png': copy an avi movie to a series of B/W .png images (take the average of green and blue color components)
    802803 * 'check_data_files': check the existence, type and status of the files selected by series.fig
     804 * 'ima_levels': rescale the image intensity to reduce strong luminosity peaks (their blinking
     805 * 'civ_input': function associated with the GUI 'civ_input.fig' to set the input parameters for civ_series
     806 * 'civ_series': PIV function activated by the general GUI series (replaces civ)
    803807 * 'merge_proj': concatene several fields from series, can project them on a regular grid in phys coordinates
    804808 * 'sub_background': subtract a sliding background to an image series
    810814 * 'ima_remove_particles': removes particles from an image (keeping the local minimum)
    811815 * 'FFT2_detrend': calculate the 2D spectrum of the input scalar after removing the linear trend (requires the Matlab image processing toolbox).
    812  * 'phys': transforms image (Unit='pixel') to real world (phys) coordinates using geometric calibration parameters. It acts if the input field contains the tag '[wiki:CoordUnit !CoordUnit]' with value 'pixel'
     816 * 'phys': transforms image (Unit='pixel') to real world (phys) coordinates using geometric calibration parameters. It acts if the input field contains the tag '!CoordUnit' with value 'pixel'
    813817 * 'phys_polar': this transforms the fields to polar coordinates, radius in abscissa (same unit as x, y) and azimuth in ordinate (unit =degree).