Changes between Version 57 and Version 58 of UvmatHelp

Jun 10, 2013, 11:34:40 PM (11 years ago)



  • UvmatHelp

    v57 v58  
    432432   * 'rectangle': defined by its center, half width and half height.
    433433   * 'polygon': closed line made of n consecutive segments (defined by n points)
    434    * 'ellipse': defined by its center, half width and half height.
     434   * 'ellipse': defined by its center, half width, half height, and Angle of axis with respect to 0x.
    435435   * 'plane': plane with associated cartesian coordinates
    436436   * 'volume': volume with associated cartesian coordinates
    438  * ''' ProjMode: ''': specifies the method of projection of coordinates and field.
     438 * ''' !ProjMode: ''': specifies the method of projection of coordinates and field, as described in [#a6.3Projectionmodes next sub-section].
    440440 * ''' Angle: ''': three component rotation vector used to define the orientation, for instance for planes.
    442442 * ''' RangeX: ''', ''' RangeY: ''', ''' RangeZ: ''':bounds defining the range of projection along each coordinate, one or two values depending on the object type.
    444  * ''' DX: ''', ''' DY: ''', ''' DZ: ''':meash  along each coordinate defining a grid for interpolation.
     444 * ''' DX: ''', ''' DY: ''', ''' DZ: ''':mesh  along each coordinate defining a grid for interpolation.
    446446 * ''' Coord: ''': matrix with two (for 2D fields) or three columns defining the object position.
    449449   * for 'plane' or 'volume': coordinates of the origin of the new coordinate frame attached to the object.
    451  * ''' {CoordUnit:} ''' units for the coordinates, must fit with the units of coordinates for the projected field.
     451 * ''' CoordUnit: ''' units for the coordinates, must fit with the units of coordinates for the projected field.
    453453=== 6.3 Projection modes ===
    454 Each variable of the input field yields a corresponding variable in the projected field.  Integral quantities  (circulation, flux...) can be calculated as well. The result depends on the nature of the field variable (set by the variable attribute 'Role',  on the object style and projection mode !ProjMode: when any averaging or interpolation process is involved, the only projected variables are scalars and vector components, excluding 'warnflag', 'errorflag', 'ancillary'. Those are only projected with the mode 'projection' on line, planes or volumes.
    456  * ''' !ProjMode 'projection':  '''  this is a direct projection  of the field data in a range of action around the object, as defined by the parameters 'RangeX', 'RangeY', "RangeZ'. The projection of an input variable defined on unstructured coordinates therefore remains unstructured. By contrast, an input variable defined on a regular grid always yields a variable on a regular grid on the projection project  (for instance on a line or plane).
     454Each field variable yields a corresponding variable with the same name in the projected field. in addition integral quantities (circulation, flux...) can be calculated. The result of projection depends on the object type, the nature of the coordinates, the Role of field variables and on the projection mode !ProjMode:
     456 * ''' !ProjMode = 'projection':  '''  this is a normal projection  of the field data in a range of action around the object, as defined by the parameters 'RangeX', 'RangeY', "RangeZ'. The projection of an input variable defined on unstructured coordinates therefore remains unstructured. By contrast, an input variable defined on a regular grid always yields a projected variable on a regular grid (for instance on a line or plane). Error flags ?
     457   * 'points': each field variable is averaged in a sphere of radius RangeX (a single value) around each projection point and attributed to this point position.
     458   * 'line': for scattered coordinates, each initial data point within a range ''RangeY'' on each side of the line is normally projected on the line, keeping its field values. For grid lin interpolation and averaging.  Vector quantities are furthermore projected on the line as longitudinal (X) and normal (Y) components. RangeX, with two values, can be used to set bounds along the axis.
     459   * 'plane': similar as line, RangeZ in 3D. RangeX and RangeY used to set bounds.
     460   * 'volume': used to set bounds in 3D within a box [RangeX, RangeY, RangeZ].
     461   *  no action on 'polyline', 'rectangle', 'polygon', 'ellipse'.
    458463 * ''' !ProjMode 'interp_lin': '''   Linear interpolation of the fields on a grid of regularly spaced points defined on the projection object, with meshes DX, DY, DZ. The grid array along x starts at RangeX(1) and ends at the closest value smaller than RangeX(2). Similar convention is used for y and z in case of planes and volumes.
    460  * ''' !ProjMode  'interp_tps':  '''  interpolation with thin spline shell.
     465 * ''' !ProjMode  'interp_tps':  '''  interpolation with thin spline shell. 
    462467 * ''' !ProjMode 'inside' and 'ouside '''': defined only for closed lines: rectangle, polygon, ellipse. For each field U, its probability distribution function Uhist  inside, or respectively outside,  the line is calculated, as well as the mean Umean.
    464  * ''' !ProjMode 'none', 'mask_inside', 'mask_outside': ''' no projection operation. The object is used solely for plotting purpose, to show a boundary or to prepare a mask, inside or outside a closed line, see [section 8.1->#sec8.1]).
     469 * ''' !ProjMode 'none', 'mask_inside', 'mask_outside': ''' no projection operation. The object is used solely for plotting purpose, to show a boundary or to prepare a mask, inside or outside a closed line, see [#a9-Masksandgrids section 9]).
    466471=== 6.4 Projected fields ===