Changes between Version 64 and Version 65 of UvmatHelp

Jun 12, 2013, 6:25:57 PM (12 years ago)



  • UvmatHelp

    v64 v65  
    793793||Program||name of the processing program||
    794794||!CivStage]||stage in the sequence civ1,fix1...||
    795 ||Civ1_ImageA||path and name of input image A||
    796 ||Civ1_ImageB||path and name of input  image B||
    797 ||Civ1_Time||mean time for the image pair||
    798 ||Civ1_Dt||time interval for image pair||
    799 ||Civ1_CorrBoxSize||size x,y of the correlation box||
     795||Civ1(2)_ImageA||path and name of input image A||
     796||Civ1(2)_ImageB||path and name of input  image B||
     797||Civ1(2)_Time||mean time for the image pair||
     798||Civ1(2)_Dt||time interval for image pair||
     799||Civ1(2)_CorrBoxSize||size x,y of the correlation box||
    800800||Civ1_SearchBoxSize||size x,y of the search box||
    801801||Civ1_SearchBoxShift||(optional) shift of the search box||
    802 ||Civ1_CorrSmooth||smooth parameter for the image corr||
    803 ||Civ1_Dx,Civ1_Dy||grid mesh along x, y||
    804 ||Civ1_CheckGrid||=1 if a grid file is used, default=0||
    805 ||Civ1_CheckMask||=1 if a mask file is used, default=0||
    806 ||Civ1_CheckThreshold||=0/1 image luminosity  threshold used||
     802||Civ1(2)_CorrSmooth||smooth parameter for the image corr||
     803||Civ1(2)_Dx,Civ1(2)_Dy||grid mesh along x, y||
     804||Civ1(2)_CheckGrid||=1 if a grid file is used, default=0||
     805||Civ1(2)_CheckMask||=1 if a mask file is used, default=0||
     806||Civ1(2)_CheckThreshold||=0/1 image luminosity  threshold used||
    807807||Civ1_ImageBitDepth||nbre of grey level bits||
    808808||Civ1_ImageWidth||nbre of pixels along x||
    809809||Civ1_ImageHeight||nbre of pixels along y||
    810 ||Civ1_FrameIndexA||frame index of image A in the series||
    811 ||Civ1_FrameIndexB||frame index of image B in the series||
    812 ||Patch1_Rho||10||
    813 ||Patch1_Threshold||threshold for the elimination of aberrant vectors||
    814 ||Patch1_SubDomain||estimated nbre of vectors in a subdomain||
     810||Civ1(2)_FrameIndexA||frame index of image A in the series||
     811||Civ1(2)_FrameIndexB||frame index of image B in the series||
     812||Patch1(2)_Rho||smoothing parameter for thin plate shell||
     813||Patch1(2)_Threshold||threshold for the elimination of aberrant vectors||
     814||Patch1(2)_SubDomain||estimated nbre of vectors in a subdomain||
     815||Civ2_CheckDecimal||=1 if decimal shift option is used (reduced peaklocking)||
     816||Civ2_CheckDeformation|=1 if image deformation option is used||
    816818-'''List of variables:'''
    818820Conventions 'uvmat/civdata'.
    820 |  '''tag''' |  '''        content'''  | |                Civ1_X| x coordinates| |                Civ1_Y| y coordinates| |                Civ1_Z| z coordinates (for PIV in volume)| |                Civ1_U| x velocity component| |                Civ1_V| y velocity component| |                Civ1_W| z velocity component (if relevant)| |                Civ1_F| warning flag| |                Civ1_C| image correlation| |                Civ1_FF| error flag| |                Civ1_U_smooth| smoothed x velocity component| |                Civ1_V_smooth| smoothed y velocity component| |                Civ1_W_smooth| smoothed z velocity component| |                Civ1_SubRange| sub range bounds| |                Civ1_NbSites| nbre of tps sites in each sub-range| |                Civ1_Coord_tps| tps coordinates| |                Civ1_U_tps| tps weights for x vel component| |                Civ1_V_tps| tps weights for y vel component| |                Civ1_W_tps| tps weights for z vel component|
    822 -'''List of constants, old CIVx conventions):''' -* nb_coord: =2 for PIV in a plane, =3 for PIV in a volume. -* nb_dim: =2 for the usual 2 component PIV, =3 for 3 component PIV (stereoscopic or volume). -* constant_pixcm: =1 for a simple linear calibration provided by the scaling factors pixcmx and pixcmy, =0 otherwise. -* pixcmx: scale pixel/space unit (cm by default) along the x direction (only if constant_pixcm=1). -* pixcmy: scale pixel/space unit (cm by default) along the y direction (only if constant_pixcm=1) -* absolut_time_T0: time elapsed since the time origin of the series (the mean time for the two images of the pair is taken). -* dt: time interval between the two images of the pair. -* absolut_time_T0_2: same as absolute_time_T0 for the fields obtained by the second iteration (civ2), using a possibly different image pair. -* dt2: same as dt for the fields obtained by the second iteration (civ2). -* hart: =1 if the Hart option has been used for processing (see ref.???), =0 otherwise. -* civ: =1 if a civ1 operation has been performed (=0 if the field is not obtained from an image pair) -* fix: =1 if a fix1 operation has been performed, -* patch: =1 if a patch1 operation has been performed. -* civ2: =1 if a civ2 operation has been performed. -* fix2:=1 if a fix2 operation has been performed. -* patch2: =1 if a Patch2 operation has been performed. -* patch_nx: number of grid points in the x direction for the patch field -* patch_ny: number of grid points in the y direction for the patch field -* ro_patch: smoothing coefficient rho used for patch -* patch2_nx: number of grid points in the x direction for the patch2 field -* patch2_ny: number of grid points in the y direction for the patch2 field -* ro2_patch: smoothing coefficient rho used for patch2
    824 -'''List of field variables (old CIVx conventions):''' A set of velocity vectors is defined by a 1D array of position coordinates x, y, and z for 3D civ, and a corresponding array for each of the velocity components u, v, and w for 3C civ. The field is therefore defined on an arbitrary set of point, without restriction to a regular mesh. Additional arrays are used to keep track of the quality of the PIV process leading to each vector. The image correlation maximum is represented by vec_C (a real number between 0 and 1). A flag vec_F represents a warning on the vector quality (see the list of values below). Another flag FixFlag marks false vectors: FixFlag=0 for good vectors, and FixFlag is set to a non-zero value when it has been detected as false (using a 'fix' operation).
     822||  '''tag''' ||  '''        content'''  ||
     823||     Civ1_X|| x coordinates||   
     824|| Civ1_Y || y coordinates||
     825||  Civ1_Z || z coordinates (for PIV in volume)||
     826||  Civ1_U || x velocity component||
     827|| Civ1_V || y velocity component || 
     828||  Civ1_W|| z velocity component (if relevant)||
     829||   Civ1_F|| warning flag||
     830|| Civ1_C|| image correlation|| 
     831||              Civ1_FF|| error flag||
     832||                Civ1_U_smooth|| smoothed x velocity component||
     833||               Civ1_V_smooth || smoothed y velocity component||   
     834||             Civ1_W_smooth || smoothed z velocity component ||     
     835||          Civ1_SubRange || sub range bounds||     
     836||          Civ1_NbSites || nbre of tps sites in each sub-range||
     837||               Civ1_Coord_tps || tps coordinates || 
     838||              Civ1_U_tps || tps weights for x vel component || 
     839||              Civ1_V_tps || tps weights for y vel component ||   
     840||             Civ1_W_tps|| tps weights for z vel component||
     842-'''List of constants, old CIVx conventions):'''
     843 * nb_coord: =2 for PIV in a plane, =3 for PIV in a volume.
     844 * nb_dim: =2 for the usual 2 component PIV, =3 for 3 component PIV (stereoscopic or volume).
     845 * constant_pixcm: =1 for a simple linear calibration provided by the scaling factors pixcmx and pixcmy, =0 otherwise.
     846 * pixcmx: scale pixel/space unit (cm by default) along the x direction (only if constant_pixcm=1).
     847 * pixcmy: scale pixel/space unit (cm by default) along the y direction (only if constant_pixcm=1)
     848 * absolut_time_T0: time elapsed since the time origin of the series (the mean time for the two images of the pair is taken).
     849 * dt: time interval between the two images of the pair.
     850 * absolut_time_T0_2: same as absolute_time_T0 for the fields obtained by the second iteration (civ2), using a possibly different image pair.
     851 * dt2: same as dt for the fields obtained by the second iteration (civ2).
     852 * hart: =1 if the Hart option has been used for processing (see ref.???), =0 otherwise.
     853 * civ: =1 if a civ1 operation has been performed (=0 if the field is not obtained from an image pair)
     854 * fix: =1 if a fix1 operation has been performed,
     855 * patch: =1 if a patch1 operation has been performed.
     856 * civ2: =1 if a civ2 operation has been performed.
     857 * fix2:=1 if a fix2 operation has been performed.
     858 * patch2: =1 if a Patch2 operation has been performed.
     859 * patch_nx: number of grid points in the x direction for the patch field
     860 * patch_ny: number of grid points in the y direction for the patch field
     861 * ro_patch: smoothing coefficient rho used for patch
     862 * patch2_nx: number of grid points in the x direction for the patch2 field
     863 * patch2_ny: number of grid points in the y direction for the patch2 field
     864 * ro2_patch: smoothing coefficient rho used for patch2
     866-'''List of field variables (old CIVx conventions):''' A set of velocity vectors is defined by a 1D array of position coordinates x, y, and z for 3D civ, and a corresponding array for each of the velocity components u, v, and w for 3C civ. The field is therefore defined on an arbitrary set of point, without restriction to a regular mesh. Additional arrays are used to keep track of the quality of the PIV process leading to each vector. The image correlation maximum is represented by vec_C (a real number between 0 and 1). A flag vec_F represents a warning on the vector quality (see the list of values below). Another flag FixFlag marks false vectors: !FixFlag=0 for good vectors, and FixFlag is set to a non-zero value when it has been detected as false (using a 'fix' operation).
    826868The names of the fields (variables) resulting from each operation are given in the following table. Each column corresponds to an operation. 'filter1' and 'interp1' both result from the patch1 interpolation on the same points, with and without smoothing respectively. The first line is the name of the constant representing the number of vectors (the dimension of the arrays). The next successive lines indicate the variable names for the position and velocity components, the image correlation 'c', the 'flag' about civ quality and 'fix' flag (only available for civ1 and civ2), and the spatial derivatives obtained from the patch operations.
    828870-*Names of field variables for civ1 and patch1
    830 |   |  '''        civ1'''          | '''interp1'''  |        '''filter1 '''          | | dim.  |        nb_vectors  |        nb_vec_patch  |        nb_vec_patch  | |x          |vec_X          |vec_patch_X  |        vec_patch_X | |y          |         vec_Y  |        vec_patch_Y |         vec_patch_Y | |z          |        vec_Z |         vec_patch_Z  |        vec_patch_Z | |u                  |vec_U |         vec_patch0_U  |        vec_patch_U | |v                   |vec_V          |vec_patch0_V  |        vec_patch_V | |w           |        vec_W          |vec_patch0_W|          vec_patch_W | |correlation  |        vec_C  |          |          | |warning flag  |        vec_F |          |          | |false flag  |        vec_FixFlag |          |          | |du/dx  |         |vec_patch0_DUDX          |vec_patch_DUDX          | |du/dy  |         |vec_patch0_DUDY          |vec_patch_DUDY          | |dv/dx  |         |vec_patch0_DVDX          |vec_patch_DVDX          | |dv/dy  |         |vec_patch0_DVDY          |vec_patch_DVDY          |
     872||  '''   ||     civ1'''          || '''interp1'''  ||        '''filter1 '''   
     873|| dim.  ||        nb_vectors  ||        nb_vec_patch  ||        nb_vec_patch 
     874||x   ||vec_X          ||vec_patch_X  ||        vec_patch_X ||
     875|| y          ||         vec_Y  ||        vec_patch_Y ||         vec_patch_Y ||
     876||z          ||        vec_Z ||         vec_patch_Z  ||        vec_patch_Z ||
     877||u                  ||vec_U ||         vec_patch0_U  ||        vec_patch_U ||
     878||v                   ||vec_V          ||vec_patch0_V  ||        vec_patch_V ||
     879||w           ||       vec_W          || vec_patch0_W||          vec_patch_W ||
     880||correlation  ||        vec_C  ||          ||          ||
     881||warning flag  ||        vec_F ||          ||          ||
     882||false flag  ||        vec_FixFlag ||          ||    ||         
     883||du/dx  ||         ||vec_patch0_DUDX          ||vec_patch_DUDX          ||
     884||du/dy  ||         ||vec_patch0_DUDY          ||vec_patch_DUDY          ||
     885||dv/dx  ||         ||vec_patch0_DVDX          ||vec_patch_DVDX          ||
     886||dv/dy  ||         ||vec_patch0_DVDY          ||vec_patch_DVDY          ||
    832888-*Names of field variables for civ2 and patch2