Changes between Version 89 and Version 90 of UvmatHelp

Jul 5, 2013, 5:47:59 PM (11 years ago)



  • UvmatHelp

    v89 v90  
    593593Alternatively the command '''[REPLICATE]''' can be used to calibrate a whole set of experiments in a 'Campaign', using an overview of the data set provided by the GUI '''data_browser.fig''', described in [#a3.7Dataorganisationinaproject section 3.7].
    595 -'''3D calibration''': 3D projection is handled by the options in '''[calib_type]''' '3D_lin' or '3D_quad' ((if non-linear distortion is significant). By default, the set of calibration points is assumed to be contained in a single plane ''z''=0. For a correct determination of the 3D features, the normal to this plane must be tilted with respect to the line of view. Otherwise this problem of indetermination can be resolved by using a set of (typically 5-10) calibrations images using a plane grid with different tilting angles (for precision the grid must cover a large area of the view field). On each image, get calibration points with the tool '''[!Tools/Detect grid]''', introducing the appropriate grid mesh. Do not fill info on ''z'' coordinates. Store the points each time (without applying calibration at this stage), which fills the list [ListCoordFiles] of file names. Then introduce a last grid image which will be considered as defining the orientation of the ''z'' axis, perpendicular to the grid. Detect points on this last image, but instead of storing them, apply the calibration with the option 3D_linear or 3D_quadr . The ''z'' position chosen for this reference calibration plane can be indicated at this stage.
     595-'''3D calibration''': 3D projection is handled by the options in '''[calib_type]''' '3D_lin' or '3D_quad' ((if non-linear distortion is significant). By default, the set of calibration points is assumed to be contained in a single plane ''z''=0. For a correct determination of the 3D features, the normal to this plane must be tilted with respect to the line of view. Otherwise this problem of indetermination can be resolved by using a set of (typically 5-10) calibrations images using a plane grid with different tilting angles (for precision the grid must cover a large area of the view field). On each image, get calibration points with the tool '''[!Tools/Detect grid]''', introducing the appropriate grid mesh. Do not fill info on ''z'' coordinates. Store the points each time (without applying calibration at this stage), which fills the list [ListCoordFiles] of file names. Then introduce a last grid image which will be considered as defining the orientation of the ''z'' axis, perpendicular to the grid. Detect points on this last image, but instead of storing them, apply the calibration with the option 3D_linear or 3D_quadr . For calibration performed inside water, the option of introducing the ''z'' position of water upper surface is provided.
    597597-'''Intrinsic parameters''': the previous procedure first determines the extrinsic parameters which characterize the camera optics (focal lengths and nonlinear deformation parameter). Then the extrinsic parameters, translation and rotation of the camera with respect to the reference grid, are determined on the last grid image. if the same optics is used in a new experiment, it is possible to skip the multiplane detection, importing the intrinsic parameters from a previous <!ImaDoc> file by the menu bar tool '''[!Import/Intrinsic]''' parameters, then applying the calibration with the option '3D_extrinsic' with the reference grid image only.
    660660The root path, subdirectory, root file name and extension are introduced in the different columns of the table '''[!InputTable]'''. The nomenclature for file indexing is represented in the column '''[!NomType]''', the index extension for the first file in the series.
    662 Several input file series can be introduced simultaneously by the menu bar command''' [Open_append]''', filling the successive lines of '''!InputTable'''. By contrast, the table of input files is fully refreshed by the browser of the menu bar command '''[Open]'''. The cells in the table can be also edited manually. Then press the button '''[REFRESH]''' to validate the input.
     662Several input file series can be introduced simultaneously by selecting ''' [CheckAppend]''', filling the successive lines of '''!InputTable'''. Otherwise, the table of input files is fully refreshed by the browser of the menu bar command '''[Open]'''. The cells in the table can be also edited manually. Then press the button '''[REFRESH]''' to validate the input.
    664664The processing function is chosen in the menu '''[!ActionName]'''. The first option ''check_data_files'' lists the selected input file series and checks their existence. This is a good first test before starting a processing operation since all actions operate on the same input file series. The option ''aver_stat'' calculates  a global average on the successive fields, while ''time_series'' provides a time series. The option ''merge_proj'' is used to project a whole series on a given grid, or to create a file series by concatenation of different fields. These processing functions are described with more details in next sub-sections. The option ''civ_series'' gives access to the PIV processsing, see section [#a11PIV:ParticleImagingVelocimetry section 11].  Finally any additional function can be called and included in the menu by selecting the option ''more...'' . The corresponding path is displayed in '''!ActionPath'''.