[[Image(arton3.png)]] = --- UVMAT --- = This free Matlab toolbox (GNU licence) provides a set of functions and graphic user interfaces for scanning images and data files (vectors and scalars in 2D and 3D), geometric calibrations, image processing and analysis of time series. It is designed to favor data management, relying on the standard NetCDF file format and xml documentation files. Tools are provided to process field series on a computer cluster with different file administration systems (sge or oar). UVMAT contains a Matlab program for '''P'''article '''I'''maging '''V'''elocimetry (PIV, also called '''C'''orrelation '''I'''mage '''V'''elocimetry, CIV) which relies on generalized pattern matching by direct cross-correlation of pattern boxes between image pairs. It also contains a graphic user interface and compiled binaries of the older PIV software CIVx written in fortran [CIVx http://sourceforge.net/projects/civx/]). The following documents provide general instructions for the use of PIV: * Presentation done at Meteo-France [attachment:MeteoFranceDecembre2000.pdf]. * PIV at the Coriolis facility [attachment:CIV_doc_lim.pdf] * Presentation for students at Hydralab workshop [attachment:hydralab_YP_joel.pdf] == Prerequisit == This toolbox requires Matlab, release R 2009 or more recent. It can be run with any computer system on which Matlab is installed (in particular Linux, MacOSX and Windows). No additional toolbox from Matlab is requested. The Matlab compiler is however useful to be able to dispatch computing processes on a computer cluster. == Useful == * [wiki:Installation] - Procedure to install UVMAT under Linux, MacOSX and Windows * UvmatHelp - Online help and documentation * [wiki:Tutorial] - Guideline on howto use UVMAT