== UVMAT : CODE SOURCE REPOSITORY == In adjonction to the CIVx package, we develop a matlab GUI compatible with the NetCDF velocity fields format, and suitable for processing of temporal series of velocity, concentrations or scalar 2D or 3D fields This free Matlab toolbox contains a graphic user interface to scan and visualize series of images and data fields (vectors and scalars). It provides statistics and various processing for these data. It also contains a graphic user interface to run the Correlation Image Velocimetry software CIVx and analyze its results. == Prerequisit == This toolbox requires Matlab, release R 13 or more recent. It can be run with any computer system on which Matlab is installed (in particular Linux and Windows). == Installation == === Linux automated installation === The procedure under linux requires the svn and wget commands from a shell. See LinuxInstallation. === !MacOS automated installation === The procedure under !MacOs requires the svn and curl commands from a shell. See MacOSInstallation. === LEGI Cluster Installation === If you wish to install UVMAT in your home of the LEGI cluster, please see LegiClusterInstallation. === Windows installation === Extract the following archive [http://coriolis.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/IMG/tgz/uvmat_include_win32.tgz windows 32 bits]. Then perform a checkout in this directory using [http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/ Tortoise SVN]. The repository is available for download at http://servforge.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/svn/soft-uvmat/trunk/src/. === CIV developper installation (advanced users) === If you also wish to have the last version of CIV and compile it on your machine, please see CivxDevelloperInstallation == Help and documentation == Online help is available at : [http://coriolis.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/spip.php?article72] A tutorial is available at : [http://coriolis.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/spip.php?article105]