Source code for filTools

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Linear filtering package                                             #
#                                                                      #
# 2013, G. SERAZIN, PhD student at MEOM/LGGE Grenoble                  #

# Module importation
import sys
import os
	import netCDF4_utils
	from netCDF4 import Dataset
	print 'Package netCDF4 is not available...'
    import numpy as np
    import as ma
	print 'Package numpy is not available...'
	from math import *
	print 'Package math is not available...'
	import scipy.special as spec
	import scipy.ndimage as im
	import scipy.signal as sig
	print 'Package scipy is not available...'
	import pylab as plt
	print 'Package matplotlib is not correctly installed...'

# General linear filter definition 
class filter:
	# Attributes of the mother class
	# 	dimension
	# 	filter_coeffs
	#	filter_type
	def plot_response_function(self):
		Plot the response function on a grid
		w = self.coeffs
		dim = self.dimension	
		if dim == 1:
			delta_f = 0.01
			f = np.arange(-0.5,0.5,delta_f)
			R = fourier_series_1d(w,f)
			#Work to do
		elif dim == 2:	
			delta_fx = 0.01
			delta_fy = 0.01
			X = np.concatenate((np.arange(-0.5,0,delta_fx),
			Y = np.concatenate((np.arange(-0.5,0,delta_fy),
			f_x, f_y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
			R = fourier_series_2d(w, f_x, f_y)
			Ix = (f_y == 0.)
			Iy = (f_x == 0.)						
			fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(8, 8))
			# Definitions for the axes
			left, width = 0.1, 0.65
			bottom, height = 0.1, 0.65
			bottom_h = left_h = left + width + 0.02
			rect_2D = [left, bottom, width, height]
			rect_x = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.2]
			rect_y = [left_h, bottom, 0.2, height]
			ax_2D = plt.axes(rect_2D)
			ax_x = plt.axes(rect_x)
			ax_y = plt.axes(rect_y)
			ax_x.plot(f_x[Ix].squeeze(), R[Ix].squeeze())
			ax_x.set_title(r'Response function for $f_y=0$')
			ax_x.set_title(r'Response function for $f_x=0$')	
			ax_2D.set_title(r'Response function $R(f_x,f_y)$')
		elif dim==3:
			pass #Work to do

	def plot_weights_distribution(self):
		dim = self.dimension
		w = self.coeffs
		if dim == 1:
			pass #Work to do
		elif dim == 2:
			n_x, n_y = self.order
			fig = plt.figure()
			plt.plot(np.arange(-n_x, n_x+1),
			         (w[n_y, :]/w[n_y, n_x]).squeeze())			
	def do_filtering1d(self, var, mode='reflect', output='valid'):
		This function make the 1D filtering of along the first dimension 
		of an array using the function convolve1d from the Scipy ndimage 
		if self.dimension != 1:
			print "Error: the dimension of the kernel must be 1"
			n = self.order
			var_filt = im.convolve1d(var, self.coeffs, axis=0,
			if output == 'valid':
				var_filt = var_filt[n:-n,]
			elif output == 'same':
		return var_filt	
	def do_filtering2d(self, var, mode='wrap', output='same',
		This function make the 2D filtering 
		if self.dimension != 2:
			print "Error: the dimension of the kernel must be 2"
		if fast == True:			
			var_filt = im.convolve(var, self.coeffs, mode=mode)		
			var_filt = sig.convolve2d(var, self.coeffs,
			                          boundary=mode, mode=output)
		return var_filt		
	def do_sparse_filtering2d(self, var, bound_weights, mode='wrap',
	                          output='same', mask_cond=None, fast=False,
		This function make the filtering of 2D dimensions dataset using 
		the function convolve from the Scipy ndimage library. The 
		filter weights are re-evaluated when there are missing values.
		w = self.coeffs
		n_x, n_y = self.order
		m_x, m_y = self.n_zero		
		#Copying the input variable to avoid modifications
		mask = ma.getmask(var)
		fval = var.get_fill_value()
		var_cp = ma.masked_array(var, mask, fill_value=fval)
		var_cp[mask] = 0.						
		var_int = \
		ma.array(self.do_filtering2d(var_cp, mode=mode, output=output,
		         mask=mask, fill_value=fval)
		if self.filter_type == 'Low pass':
			var_filt = var_int / bound_weights
		elif self.filter_type == 'High pass':
			var_filt = var_int / (1 - bound_weights)
		elif self.filter_type == 'Band pass':
			# Work to do			
		if mask_cond != None:
		# If the conditioning is too bad for filtering according to a 
		# mask precomputed, a smaller filter is used with only positive
		# weigths
			if opt == 'interp':
				k_x, k_y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-m_x,m_x+1),
				w_trunc = w[n_x-m_x : n_x+m_x+1, n_y-m_y : n_y+m_y+1]
				w_trunc[((k_y / float(m_y))**2 + 
				        (k_x / float(m_x))**2) > 1] = 0.
				if fast == True:
					P_trunc = im.convolve(M, w_trunc, mode=mode)	
					C_trunc = im.convolve(var_cp, w_trunc, mode=mode)
					P_trunc = sig.convolve2d(M, w_trunc, mode=mode)	
					C_trunc = sig.convolve2d(var_cp, w_trunc, mode=mode)
				var_cond = C_trunc / P_trunc
				I = np.where(mask_cond == 1)
				var_filt[I] = var_cond[I]
			elif opt == 'zero':
				var_filt[mask_cond] = 0.							
		var_filt[mask == 1] = 0.
		var_filt.fill_value = fval		
		return var_filt
	def check_conditioning(self, mask, threshold=0.50):
		mode = 'wrap'
		w = self.coeffs
		n_x, n_y = self.order
		m_x, m_y = self.n_zero	
		M = np.array(mask, dtype='f8')
		#Initialisation of the kernel test
		k_x, k_y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-m_x,m_x+1),
		w_trunc = w[n_x-m_x : n_x+m_x+1, n_y-m_y : n_y+m_y+1]
		w_trunc[((k_y/float(m_y))**2 +
		         (k_x/float(m_x))**2) > 1] = 0.
		s = np.sum(w_trunc)
		r = np.abs(s/(1-s))
		T = im.convolve(M, w_trunc, mode=mode)
		P = im.convolve(M, w, mode=mode)	
		r_cond = np.abs(T / (P - T))		
		mask_cond = ((r_cond < threshold * r) & mask)	
		return mask_cond	

	def print_properties(self):
		print "Dimension: "
		print self.dimension
		print "Filter type: "
		print self.filter_type
		print "Number of weights: "
		print self.order
		print "Matrix of coefficients: "
		print self.coeffs
# Lanczos filter definition
class lanczos(filter):

	def __init__(self, typ, n, fc1, fc2=0.5, shape='square'):
		Compute the weight function of a 1D,2D, 3D Lanczos filter 
		according to the size of cut-oof frequency and weight number 
		typ : {'lp', 'hp', 'bp'}
			'lp' for Low-pass filter
				- 'hp' for High-pass filter
				- 'bp' for Band-pass filter
		n = number of weight:
				-1D fc=[n_x]
				-2D fc=[n_x,n_y]
				-3D fc=[n_x,n_y,n_z]	
		fc1 = normalized cut-off frequency:
				-1D fc=[fc_x]
				-2D fc=[fc_x,fc_y]
				-3D fc=[fc_x,fc_y,fc_z]
		fc2 = normalized cut-off frequency in case of a Band-pass 
		      filter (same as fc1)	
		shape = 'square' by default or 'axi' for an axisymmetric filter
				(Only needed for 2D and 3D dimensions)
		dim = np.size(n)
		self.dimension = dim
		self.filter_type = typ
		self.order = n
		self.fc1 = np.array(fc1)	
		if dim == 1:				
			if typ == 'lp':				
				self.filter_type = 'Low pass'
				fc = fc1
				k = np.arange(-n,n+1)	
				w = (np.sin(2 * pi * fc * k) / (pi * k) *
				     np.sin(pi * k / n) / (pi * k / n))
				#Particular case where k=0	
				w[n] = 2 * fc
				#Normalization of coefficients
				w = w / np.sum(w)				
			elif typ == 'hp':				
				self.filter_type = 'High pass'
				fc = fc1
				lanc = lanczos('lp', n, fc1, shape=shape)
				w = - lanc.coeffs
				#Particular case where k=0	
				w[n] = 1 - 2 * fc		
			elif typ == 'bp':		
				self.filter_type = 'Band pass'
				lanc1 = lanczos('lp', n, fc1, shape=shape)
				lanc2 = lanczos('lp', n, fc2, shape=shape)				
				w = lanc2.coeffs - lanc1.coeffs				
		elif dim == 2:
			if typ == 'lp':			
				self.filter_type = 'Low pass'
				fc_x, fc_y = fc1
				n_x, n_y = n
				#Grid definition according to the number of weights
				k_x, k_y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-n_x, n_x + 1),
				                       np.arange(-n_y, n_y + 1))
				#Computation of the response weight on the grid
				z = np.sqrt((fc_x * k_x) ** 2 + (fc_y * k_y) ** 2)
				w_rect = 1 / z * fc_x * fc_y * spec.j1(2 * pi * z)
				w = (w_rect *
				     np.sin(pi * k_x / n_x) / (pi * k_x / n_x) * 
				     np.sin(pi * k_y / n_y) / (pi * k_y /n_y ))
				#Particular case where z=0
				w[:, n_x] = (w_rect[:, n_x] *
				             1. / (pi * k_y[:, n_x] / n_y) *
				             np.sin(pi * k_y[:, n_x] / n_y))
				w[n_y, :] = (w_rect[n_y, :] *
				             1. / (pi * k_x[n_y, :] / n_x)	*			
				             np.sin(pi * k_x[n_y, :] / n_x))
				w[n_y, n_x] = pi * fc_x * fc_y				
				if shape == 'square':
				elif shape == 'axi':					
					#Forcing the circular symmetry
					w[((k_y / float(n_y)) ** 2 + 
					   (k_x / float(n_x)) ** 2) > 1] = 0
				#Normalization of coefficients
				w = w / np.sum(w)								
				self.n_zero = np.array(np.floor(spec.jn_zeros(1, 1)[0] /
				                                (2 * pi * self.fc1)),
			elif typ == 'hp':		
				self.filter_type = 'High pass'
				n_x, n_y = n
				fc_x, fc_y = fc1
				lanc = lanczos('lp', n, fc1, shape=shape)
				w = -lanc.coeffs
				w[n_y, n_x] = 1 - pi * fc_x * fc_y				
			elif typ == 'bp':
				self.filter_type = 'Band pass'
				self.fc2 = fc2
				lanc1 = lanczos('lp', n, fc1, shape=shape)
				lanc2 = lanczos('lp', n, fc2, shape=shape)				
				w = lanc2.coeffs - lanc1.coeffs
		elif dim == 3:
		#To complete
		else : 
			print "lanczos is not able to treat such dimensions"
		self.coeffs = w

def tukeywin(n, r=None):
	dim = np.size(n)
	if r == None:
		r = 0.5
	if dim == 1:
		x = np.linspace(0, 1, n)
		w = np.ones(n)
		i1 = np.where(x < r / 2.)
		w[i1] = 0.5 * (1 + np.cos(2 * np.pi / r * 
		                               (x[i1] - r / 2.)))
		i2 = np.where((r / 2. <= x) & (x < 1 - r / 2.))
		w[i2] = 1
		i3 = np.where(1 - r / 2. <= x)
		w[i3] = 0.5 * (1 + np.cos(2 * np.pi / r *
		                               (x[i3] -1 + r / 2.)))
	elif dim == 2:
		n_x, n_y = n
		w_x = tukeywin(n_x, r=r)
		w_y = tukeywin(n_y, r=r)
		w = np.outer(w_x, w_y)	
	elif dim == 3:
		#To complete		
		raise ValueError, "Not able to process such dimension"	
	return w
def hanningwin(n):
	dim = np.size(n)
	if dim == 1:
		w = np.hanning(n)
	elif dim == 2:
		n_x, n_y = n
		w_x = hanningwin(n_x)
		w_y = hanningwin(n_y)
		w = np.outer(w_x, w_y)	
	elif dim == 3:
		#To complete		
		raise ValueError, "Not able to process such dimension"	
	return w		

[docs]def fourier_series_2d(w, f_x, f_y): ''' Compute the 2D Fourier series on a grid knowing the coefficients from a 2D matrix ''' l_y, l_x = np.shape(w) n_y = (l_y - 1) / 2 n_x = (l_x - 1) / 2 R = np.zeros(np.shape(f_x)) k_x, k_y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-n_x, n_x + 1), np.arange(-n_y, n_y + 1)) #Still looking for a vectorized version of the loops... for i in range( 2 * n_y + 1): for j in range(2 * n_x + 1): #Rebuilding the 2D Fourier series R = R + w[i, j] * np.exp(2 * pi * 1j * (k_x[i, j] * f_x + k_y[i, j] * f_y)) R = np.real(R) #Eliminate the imaginary part which is non physical return R
[docs]def fourier_series_1d(w, f): ''' Compute the 1D Fourier series on a grid knowing the coefficients from a 2D matrix ''' l = np.size(w) n = (l-1)/2 R=np.zeros(np.size(f)) k=np.arange(-n,n+1) #Still looking for a vectorized version of the loops... for i in range(2*n+1): #Rebuilding the 2D Fourier series R=R+w[i]*np.exp(2*pi*1j*k[i]*f) R=np.real(R) #Eliminate the imaginary part which is non physical return R
if __name__ == '__main__': ''' Program test: - Compute the response function of a 1D low-pass Lanczos filter - Compute the response function of a 2D low-pass Lanczos filter using 2*n_x+1=21 and 2*n_y+1=21 weights ''' #n_x = 64 #n_y = 64 #fc_x = 0.5 #fc_y = 0.5 #LP_lanc = lanczos('lp',[n_x,n_y],fc1=[fc_x,fc_y],fc2=[0.2,0.2]) #LP_lanc=lanczos('bp',n_x,fc1=0.05,fc2=0.2) #m_x,m_y=LP_lanc.conditions() #m_x, m_y = LP_lanc.n_zero #w = LP_lanc.coeffs #k_x, k_y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-m_x,m_x+1),np.arange(-m_y,m_y+1)) #w_trunc = w[n_x-m_x:n_x+m_x+1,n_y-m_y:n_y+m_y+1] #w_trunc[(k_y/float(m_y)) ** 2 + (k_x/float(m_x)) ** 2 > 1] = 0. #print w_trunc #LP_lanc.print_properties() #LP_lanc.plot_response_function() #LP_lanc.plot_weights_distribution() r = 0.45 n_x = 50 n_y = 50 #win = tukeywin((n_x, n_y), r) win = hanningwin((n_x, n_y)) print np.shape(win) x = np.linspace(0, 1, n_x) y = np.linspace(0, 1, n_y) Y, X = np.meshgrid(y, x) print win plt.pcolormesh(X, Y, win)