Source code for xyTools

Spatial computation package                                          
# 2013, G. SERAZIN, PhD student at MEOM/LGGE Grenoble                  

# Main module importation
	from netCDF4 import Dataset
	print 'Package numpy is not available...'
	import numpy as np
	import as ma
	import numpy.linalg as li
	import numpy.fft as fft
	print 'Package numpy is not available...'
	import scipy.stats as st
	import scipy.interpolate
	print 'Package scipy is not available...'
	from mpl_toolkits import basemap		
	print 'Package scipy is not available...'
# Useful constants
R_earth = 6371 * 1000
G_earth = 9.81 
omega_earth = 2 * np.pi / 86164.	
# Functions definition
[docs]def zomean(var, lat, lat_ref, mask, dx=1, dy=1): ''' Compute the spatial mean of a variable using: - e1,e2: non-uniform gridto weight by surface - lat_ref: a vector of referenced latitude to decompose the zonal mean into bands ''' l = np.size(lat_ref) var_mean = np.zeros(l-1) lat_mean = np.zeros(l-1) if np.size(np.shape(lat)) == 1 : lat = np.reshape(np.resize(lat, np.size(var)), np.shape(var), order='F') for i in range(l-1): I = np.where((lat_ref[i] < lat) & (lat <= lat_ref[i+1]) & (mask == 1)) w = dx[I] * dy[I] / (ma.sum(dx[I] * dy[I])) var_mean[i] = ma.sum(w * var[I]) lat_mean[i] = ma.sum(w * lat[I]) return var_mean, lat_mean
[docs]def zonal_corr(var1, var2, lat, lat_ref, e1=1, e2=1): ''' Compute the spatial correlation of two variables over zonal bands: - e1,e2: non-uniform gridto weight by surface - lat_ref: a vector of referenced latitude to decompose the zonal mean into bands ''' l = np.size(lat_ref) corr = np.zeros(l - 1) lat_mean = np.zeros(l - 1) for i in range(l - 1): I = np.where((lat_ref[i] < lat) & (lat <= lat_ref[i + 1])) w = e1[I] * e2[I] / (ma.sum(e1[I] * e2[I])) X = w * var1[I] Y = w * var2[I] corr[i], pval = st.pearsonr(X.compressed(),Y.compressed()) lat_mean[i] = ma.sum(w*lat[I]) return corr, lat_mean
[docs]def global_av(var, e1=1, e2=1): ''' Compute the spatial mean of a variable using a non-uniform grid to weight by surface ''' w=e1*e2/ma.mean(e1*e2) var_mean=ma.mean(w*var) return var_mean
[docs]def vect_mod(var_x, var_y, mode='same'): ''' Compute the modulus of a 2D vector from its x-y components calculated on a C grid ''' n,m=np.shape(var_x) var_x_E=np.array(var_x) var_x_E[:,1:]=var_x[:,:-1] if mode=='same': var_x_E[:,0]=var_x[:,1] elif mode=='cylindric': var_x_E[:,0]=var_x[:,-1] var_y_S=np.array(var_y) var_y_S[1:,:]=var_y[:-1,:] var_y_S[0,:]=var_y[1,:] var_mod=np.sqrt(1./2*(var_x_E**2+var_x**2+var_y_S**2+var_y**2)) return var_mod
[docs]def detrend(x, y, var): """ Fit a 2D linear surface from the input field in least-square sense and return the detrended field """ mask = ma.getmask(var) if not mask: B = np.ravel(var) X = np.ravel(x) Y = np.ravel(y) else: ind = ma.where(mask == 0) B = var[ind] X = x[ind] Y = y[ind] n = np.size(B) A = np.vstack([X, Y, np.ones(n)]).T #A = np.vstack([X ** 2, Y ** 2, X * Y, X, Y, np.ones(n)]).T #A = np.vstack([X, Y, np.ones(n)]) #Ainv =, A)), A) #a, b, c =, B) # Solve the least square system fit = li.lstsq(A, B) a, b, c = fit[0] #a, b, c, d, e, f = fit[0] #var_dtr = var - (a * x ** 2 + b * y **2 + c * x * y + d * x + #e * y + c) var_dtr = var - (a * x + b * y + c) return var_dtr
[docs]def latlon2yx(lat, lon): """ Convert latitude and longitude arrays to y and x arrays in km """ if np.size(np.shape(lat)) == 1: lon2d, lat2d = np.meshgrid(lon, lat) else: lon2d, lat2d = lon, lat y = (1 / 180.) * np.pi * R_earth * lat2d x = np.cos(np.pi / 180. * lat2d) * np.pi / 180. * R_earth * lon2d return y, x
[docs]def latlon2lk(lat, lon, n_l, n_k): """ Define wavenumber vectors according to the latitude and longitude arrays """ dy = (1. / n_lat * (1 / 180.) * np.pi * R_earth * (np.max(lat)-np.min(lat))) dx = (1. / n_lon * np.cos(np.pi / 180. * np.mean(lat)) * np.pi / 180. * R_earth * (np.max(lon)-np.min(lon))) l = fft.fftshift(fft.fftfreq(n_l, d=dy)) k = fft.fftshift(fft.fftfreq(n_k, d=dx)) return l, k
[docs]def latlon2dydx(lat, lon, n_lat, n_lon): """ Define wavenumber vectors according to the latitude and longitude arrays """ delta_lon = np.max(lon)-np.min(lon) if delta_lon > 350: indx = np.where(lon < 0) if not indx: indx = np.where(lon > 180) lon[indx] -= 360 else: lon[indx] += 360 delta_lon = np.max(lon)-np.min(lon) dy = 1. / n_lat * (1 / 180.) * np.pi * R_earth * (np.max(lat)-np.min(lat)) dx = (1. / n_lon * np.cos(np.pi / 180. * np.mean(lat)) * np.pi / 180. * R_earth * (delta_lon)) return dy, dx
[docs]def lat2f(lat): """ Return the coriolis parameter computed from the latitude """ f = 2 * omega_earth * np.sin(np.pi / 180. * lat) return f
[docs]def lat2dy(lat): """ Compute dy on a regular grid """ dy = (1 / 180.) * np.pi * R_earth * np.diff(lat, n=1, axis=0) return dy
[docs]def lon2dx(lat, lon): """ Compute dx on a regular grid """ delta_lon = np.max(lon)-np.min(lon) if delta_lon > 350: indx = np.where(lon < 0) if not indx: indx = np.where(lon > 180) lon[indx] -= 360 else: lon[indx] += 360 delta_lon = np.max(lon)-np.min(lon) dx = (1. / n_lon * np.cos(np.pi / 180. * np.mean(lat)) * np.pi / 180. * R_earth * (delta_lon)) return dx
[docs]def ddy(val, dy=1, axis=-2): """ Compute the first derivative along the y axis """ dval = np.diff(val, n=1, axis=axis) dvaldy = dval / dy return dvaldy
[docs]def ddx(val, dx=1, axis=-1): """ Compute the first derivative along the x axis """ dval = np.diff(val, n=1, axis=axis) dvaldx = dval / dx return dvaldx
[docs]def zogeo(ssh, lat, dy=None, axis=-1): """ Compute the zonal surface geostrophy current from a sea level field """ if dy == None: dy = lat2dy(lat) f = lat2f(lat)[:-1] u_s = - G_earth / f * ddy(ssh, dy, axis=axis) return u_s
def megeo(ssh, lat, lon, dx=None, axis=-1): if dx == None: dx = lon2dx(lon) f = lat2f(lat)[:-1] v_s = G_earth / f * ddx(ssh, dx, axis=axis) return v_s
[docs]def hgrad(var, e1, e2): """ Compute the horizontal gradient """ n,m=np.shape(var) var_E=np.array(var) e1_E=np.array(var) var_E[:,1:]=var[:,:-1] if mode=='same': var_E[:,0]=var[:,1] elif mode=='cylindric': var_E[:,0]=var[:,-1] dvar_dx=(var_E-var) var_S=np.array(var) var_y_S[1:,:]=var_y[:-1,:] var_y_S[0,:]=var_y[1,:] return dvar_dx,dvar_dy # /!\ Test this function !!!!!!
[docs]def interpolate(x, y, var, interp=None, kind='linear'): """ Interpolate a 2D field on a regular grid Parameters ---------- var : 2D array_like The values of the variable to interpolate at the data points. y, x : 1D or 2D array_like The y and x coordinates on which the variable is evaluated. interp : {None, 'basemap', 'scipy'}, optional The algorithm to use for the interpolation. kind : {'linear', 'cubic', 'quintic'} The kind of spline interpolation to use. Default is 'linear'. Returns ------- var_reg : 2D array_like The values of the variable evaluated on the regular grid y_reg, x_reg : 2D array_like The y and x coordinates of the new grid """ orderdict = {'linear':1, 'cubic':3} if np.size(np.shape(y)) == 1: x2d, y2d = np.meshgrid(x, y) else: x2d, y2d = x, y x_reg = np.linspace(np.min(x2d), np.max(x2d), len(x1d_in)) y_reg = np.linspace(np.min(y2d), np.max(y2d), len(y1d_in)) x2d_reg, y2d_reg = np.meshgrid(x_reg ,y_reg) if interp is None: return x2d_in, y2d_in, var.copy() elif interp == 'basemap': var_reg = basemap.interp(var, x1d_in, y1d_in, x2d_reg, y2d_reg, checkbounds=False, order=orderdict[kind]) return x2d_reg, y2d_reg, var_reg elif interp == 'scipy': interp = scipy.interpolate.interp2d(x1d_in, y1d_in, var, kind=kind) a1d = interp(x2d_reg[0,:], y2d_reg[:,0]) var_reg = np.reshape(a1d, y2d_reg.shape) return x2d_reg, y2d_reg, var_reg