bundle - load specific environment in current shell
bundle avail bundle show bundle-file
bundle load bundle-file bundle unload bundle list
bundle source bundle-file
bundle status
bundle help
can load a new environment in current shell
(source) or load it in a sub-shell.
In this second case, environment could be unload!
This shell function looks furiously at the command module
It's wanted but is much simpler (no tcl
The arguments are quite the same.
There is no magic done on the current environment variables
(remember, bundle
just source shell file).
launch a new shell (sub-shell) at load and exit it at unload.
It's all!
No... In interactive mode, it's save the current history so this one can be use in the sub-shell. The same thing is done at the end of the sub-shell, history is then reload in the master shell. For the user point of vu, it's like there is only one shell!
But be carrefull with variable, only export variable could be use in sub-shell.
List all available bundle. Bundle are search in two specific path: ${HOME}/.config/bundle/source.d and /etc/bundle/source.d
Bundle are just shell script with the shell name as extension
for bash
Bundle are first search in user folder.
This allows the user to overloaded a system bundle.
Show a small description of the bundle file if available...
Format is done width the command pod2text
Documentation can be written at the end of the script after a last command return
for bash
Start a new shell and source bundle file inside.
End of bundle specific shell.
List loaded bundle.
Source bundle in current shell. Environment could not be unload...
Indicates whether we are in a bundle or not.
Usage line.
Which is better : load or source ?
Load and Unload command must be enclose. In an interactive shell, it's very important to unload every bundle loaded!
bundle load intel/2011.7 ifort -v bundle unload
Load command in better in interactive shell.
If use in a script file, you just have to remenber that load start a new shell, and unload just exit it (but not work in script file)
bundle load intel/2011.7 <<'END_BUNDLE' ifort -v END_BUNDLE
It's better to use quote around END_BUNDLE, current shell will not evaluate next command before passing them to sub-shell !
Maybe it's then simpler to use source command and integrated sub-shell
( bundle source intel/2011.7 ifort -v )
Source command just source shell script in current environment. No unload is possible.
bundle source intel/2011.7
Source command is better in batch script because you have don't have to unload in current case.
sysprofile, module
Written by Gabriel Moreau, Grenoble - France
GPL version 2 or later
Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Gabriel Moreau / LEGI - CNRS UMR 5519 - France