Changes between Version 52 and Version 53 of ProjectDocumentation

Jun 16, 2018, 6:21:21 PM (6 years ago)



  • ProjectDocumentation

    v52 v53  
    7676is convenient when the data from the different instruments must be combined for processing, for instance two cameras used in stereoscopic view. Then results from successive processing steps can be marked by a specific  extension. This is useful to quickly identify the state of advancement of data processing and to support strategy for data backup and publication: due to space limitation and lack of interested for final users, the raw data are generally not published. The software uvmat [->] for image processing thus produce a folder CamA.civ for the velocity fields obtained from the image folder CamA. And the 3 velocity components obtained by the stereoscopic combination of the velocity fields in CamA.civ and CamB.civ are stored in CamA.civ-CamB.civ.vel3C.
    78 However the opposite hierarchy
     78However the alternative hierarchy
    115115 * Processed data: they are stored in storage bays with backup system, as local instrument disks are quickly full and less safe. Physical units and standard formats are needed for communication to researchers who did not participate in the project.
    116116 * Published data: they contain a selection of the most "interesting" data, and involve various analysis of the processed data, like statistics, plots, which are very dependent on the project. We consider two levels of published data.
    117    * Publication on the OpenDAP server of LEGI: this allows for flexible modification and online consultation, see [] for details. 
     117   * Publication on the OpenDAP server of LEGI: this allows for flexible modification and online consultation, see [] for details.
    118118   * Publication as a Zenodo archive: its advantage is the perennity of the storage and its support by European authorities. However, the data of a project are limited in size (50 Go), and can be only downloaded as a .zip archive, without online consultation. It is appropriate as a final step after the OpenDAP. [[BR]]