Changes between Version 192 and Version 193 of WikiStart

Oct 18, 2016, 10:31:10 AM (8 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v192 v193  
    156156Experiment name: fixstr1_1909a.
    157157Filenames: fixstr1_1909a1, fixstr1_1909a2.
    158 Location: Position X1 (75% of the way down the straight section, 58 cm upstream from the end of straight section). Input rate: 12 l/s, density excess: 20 kg/m^3^. Water was very cloudy to the extent that we were not able to use the laser. No siphon rig was used. Running basal ADV with ADV !#1 located 7.2 cm from the base. ADV just measured at one point (no traverse measurement).
     158Location: Position X1 (75% of the way down the straight section, 56 cm upstream from the end of straight section). Input rate: 12 l/s, density excess: 20 kg/m^3^. Water was very cloudy to the extent that we were not able to use the laser. No siphon rig was used. Running basal ADV with ADV !#1 located 7.2 cm from the base. ADV just measured at one point (no traverse measurement).
    160160Experiment started at 2:45pm and stopped at 3:15 pm. The flow automatically stopped part way through as a valve was not open for recirculating water. Part way through red dye was added to visualise the current. Dye visualisation suggested pretty thin flow on the inner bank and significant super elevation on the outer bank. Some perturbation was observed on the surface of the flow at the outer bank, but otherwise the flow surface appears quite smooth, and mixing appeared to be very low. Mean maximum flow velocity from raw output was around 20 - 25 cm/s. ADV and UVP measured twice, the first is referred to as fixstr1_1909a1 and this had a velocity range of 0.3 m/s on the ADV setting, and 0.25 m/s for the UVP. Instantaneous flow velocities were faster than anticipated, as a result of the steep slope (3.5 degrees) with flow wrapping on both instruments so the velocity range was increased on the ADV and the UVP. A second run period fixstr1_1909a2 had a velocity range of 0.5 m/s on the ADV setting. The UVP setting was 680 mm/s (0.68 m/s).
    170 Experiment name: fixstr_2109a, b. File names: fixtr1_2109a, fixstr1_2109b. Location: Position X1 (75% down straight section, 58 cm upstream from the end of the straight section). Density excess 10.3 kg/m^3^.
     170Experiment name: fixstr_2109a, b. File names: fixtr1_2109a, fixstr1_2109b. Location: Position X1 (75% down straight section, 56 cm upstream from the end of the straight section). Density excess 10.3 kg/m^3^.
    172172fixstr1_2109a: The input flow rate was 12 L/s and the total experiment time was 21 minutes. The UVP was turned on as the gravity current entered the inlet box. The ADV was turned on 2 minutes after the UVP saw the flow. Two sets of siphon samples were collected three minutes after the current hit the end of the tank. Sampling was done every 10 minutes: Siphon Set !#1 (4:30 to 5:30) and Siphon Set !#2 (14:30 to 15:30). The flow was too thick and the velocity was about 18 cm/s. It was speculated that the flow rate should be decreased. Siphon samples showed a density decrease in depth, going from the bottom to the top, and also a decrease over time.
    176176'''Thursday, September 22nd 2016'''
    178 Experiment name: fixstr_2209a, b. File names: fixstr1_2909a, fixstr1_2909b. Location: Position X1 (75% down straight section, 58 cm upstream from the end of the straight section). Density excess 19.2 kg/m^3^.
     178Experiment name: fixstr_2209a, b. File names: fixstr1_2909a, fixstr1_2909b. Location: Position X1 (75% down straight section, 56 cm upstream from the end of the straight section). Density excess 19.2 kg/m^3^.
    180180Before the experiments samples were collected from the storage tanks which store 10 kg/m^3^ and 20 kg/m^3^ salt water in order to check the density. Also, samples from the base and the top of the rotating Coriolis tank were collected. No laser was used since the quality of the water was not good enough.
    200200Experiment name: fixstr1_2609a,b. 
    201201Filenames: fixstr1_2609a, fixstr1_2609b.
    202 Location: Position X1 (75% down straight section, 58 cm upstream from the end of the straight section). Input rate 5.9 l/s. Density excess 19 kg/m^3^. Laser was not used in the experiments today. Running basal ADV with ADV !#1 located 7.2 cm, ADV !#2 located at 10 cm and ADV !#3 located at 12 cm above channel bed.
     202Location: Position X1 (75% down straight section, 56 cm upstream from the end of the straight section). Input rate 5.9 l/s. Density excess 19 kg/m^3^. Laser was not used in the experiments today. Running basal ADV with ADV !#1 located 7.2 cm, ADV !#2 located at 10 cm and ADV !#3 located at 12 cm above channel bed.
    204204fixstr1_2609a: The main goal was to investigate if the concentration of the gravity current, inlet box and tank D were equal (19 kg/m^3^). The traverse sent one TTL signal to the ADV and didn’t send a return signal so only one measurement at one point was made by the ADVs (all ADVs collected data simultaneously). On the middle ADV (!#2) wrapping occurred which indicates that velocity needs to be increased to 0.6 m/s. UVP files showed a fair amount of noise in the data which requires further investigation. We waited about 7:20 minutes for the flow rate to reach a constant value. One person took 6 samples (every 3 minutes, starting at t = 0) from the mixing tank on the third floor which contained the salt water mixture coming from tank D. A second person took 6 samples (every 3 minutes, starting at t = 0) from the inlet box at the upstream end of the channel. A third person took 3 sets of 12 siphon samples every 5 minutes (starting at t = 0, duration = 1 min).
    216216Experiment name: fixstr1_2709a,b. 
    217217Filenames: fixstr1_2709a, fixstr1_2709b.
    218 Location: Position X1 (75% down straight section, 58 cm upstream from the end of the straight section). Input rate 6 l/s. Density excess 20 kg/m^3^. Laser was not used in the experiments today. Running basal ADV with ADV !#1 located 7.2 cm, ADV !#2 located at 10 cm and ADV !#3 located at 12 cm above channel bed.
     218Location: Position X1 (75% down straight section, 56 cm upstream from the end of the straight section). Input rate 6 l/s. Density excess 20 kg/m^3^. Laser was not used in the experiments today. Running basal ADV with ADV !#1 located 7.2 cm, ADV !#2 located at 10 cm and ADV !#3 located at 12 cm above channel bed.
    220220Fixstr1_2709a: The goal was to examine the flushing time of the inlet box to see how it behaves once the PVC tubes were installed. One conductivity probe (C1T1) was mounted at the centreline just before the flow straightener (metallic honeycomb). Started with 6 l/s and waited for 5 min to see how inlet box, UVP and pump behaved. The UVP and siphon pump were turned on to fix the suspected pulse that the pump imparted to the UVP. This did not resolve the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) issue. The inlet box took a long time to reach a steady conductivity value. It was suggested to start with a higher flow rate and then reduce the flow rate to 6 l/s. The ADV and UVP data were still noisy. No siphon sampling was done.
    226226Experiment name: fixstr1_2809a and fixapex2_2809b, c, d. 
    227227Filenames: fixstr1_2809a, fixapex2_2809b, fixapex2_2809c, fixapex_2809d.
    228 Location for fixstr1_2809a: Position X1 (75% down straight section, 58 cm upstream from the end of the straight section). Location for fixapex2_2809b, c, d: Position X4 (at the centre of the second apex).  Input rate 20 l/s (initial ~ 2 minutes of each run) then reduced to 6 l/s. Density excess 18.4 kg/m^3^. Laser was not used in the experiments today. Running basal ADV with ADV !#1 located 7.2 cm, ADV !#2 located at 10 cm and ADV !#3 located at 12 cm above channel bed.
     228Location for fixstr1_2809a: Position X1 (75% down straight section, 56 cm upstream from the end of the straight section). Location for fixapex2_2809b, c, d: Position X4 (at the centre of the second apex). Input rate 20 l/s (initial ~2 minutes of each run) then reduced to 6 l/s. Density excess 18.4 kg/m^3^. Laser was not used in the experiments today. Running basal ADV with ADV !#1 located 7.2 cm, ADV !#2 located at 10 cm and ADV !#3 located at 12 cm above channel bed.
    230230fixstr1_2809a: The goal is to increase the seeding and test the ADVs and UVP for less noise. A new stem ADV was mounted to reduce the noise. The UVP didn’t change in terms of noise issue, so the problem does not lie with the seeding density. Another suggestion was to move the UVP box back to the back bench to reduce interference from the electronics on the traverse. Minimal improvement was seen on the ADV profile. The seeding seems to be getting stuck in the inlet box behind the flow straightening baffles - this was visually observed by a buildup of foam in the inlet box.
    241241The tank was drained, cleaned, washed, and refilled. The tank was spun with 0.083 rad/s rotation rate (0.8 rpm).
    243 Experiment name: rotstr_2909a, b. Filenames: rotstr1_2909a, rotstr1_2909b. Location: Position X1 (75% down straight section, 58 cm upstream from the end of the straight section). Input rate started from 20 L/s for the first two minutes and then was decreased to 5.64 L/s.
     243Experiment name: rotstr_2909a, b. Filenames: rotstr1_2909a, rotstr1_2909b. Location: Position X1 (75% down straight section, 56 cm upstream from the end of the straight section). Input rate started from 20 L/s for the first two minutes and then was decreased to 5.64 L/s.
    245245rotstr1_2909a: Density excess was 20.3 kg/m^3^. Two sets of siphon samples were collected every 5 to 6 minutes and 15 to 16 minutes after the start of experiment. Siphons and UVPs were at the top part of the flow. Gopros took movies from the ping pong balls moving on top of the rotating tank.
    251251Experiment name: rotstr1_3009a, b, c. Filenames: rotstr1_3009a, rotstr1_3009b, rotstr1_3009c.
    253 rotstr1_3009a: The total experiment time was 30 minutes. The goal was to use two UVPs and switch between them within the experiment. ADV measurements were collected at the straight section (Position X1 -75% down straight section, 58 cm upstream from the end of the straight section). The stream wise UVP collected data for the first 10 minutes of the experiment. In the second 10 minutes, the UVP was switched to the cross stream and collected data in the cross stream section for the third 10 minutes. It should be noted that the cycle for the cross stream UVP was set to 1500 mistakenly, instead of 666. Bottom check data was collected for both ADVs. Siphon samples were collected every 5  minutes after the flow rate became constant. The 3 sets were sampled at 5 to 6 minutes (Set !#1), 15 to 16 minutes (Set !#2) and 25 to 26 minutes (Set !#3). The laser was used in this experiment.
     253rotstr1_3009a: The total experiment time was 30 minutes. The goal was to use two UVPs and switch between them within the experiment. ADV measurements were collected at the straight section (Position X1 -75% down straight section, 56 cm upstream from the end of the straight section). The stream wise UVP collected data for the first 10 minutes of the experiment. In the second 10 minutes, the UVP was switched to the cross stream and collected data in the cross stream section for the third 10 minutes. It should be noted that the cycle for the cross stream UVP was set to 1500 mistakenly, instead of 666. Bottom check data was collected for both ADVs. Siphon samples were collected every 5  minutes after the flow rate became constant. The 3 sets were sampled at 5 to 6 minutes (Set !#1), 15 to 16 minutes (Set !#2) and 25 to 26 minutes (Set !#3). The laser was used in this experiment.
    255255rotstr1_3009b: The goal was to see how much better the UVP data would be later in the experiment. Input flow rate started from 20 L/s for the first 2 minutes and then was decreased to 5.5 L/s. Density excess and temperature were 20.4 kg/m^3^ and 23.7 degrees C respectively. The experiment lasted for 35 minutes as opposed to 30 minutes because it was concluded from previous experiments that would show better results later in the experiment. Therefore 5 minutes after the flow rate became constant, the stream wise UVP collected data for 10 minutes. Then, the two UVPs were switched in the next 10 minutes and, finally, the cross stream UVP collected data from 25 to 35 min. A complete sequence of data was collected by the ADV, but it did not restart for some time. Then, it started collecting a second sequence later which was not complete because the experiment ended. The laser did not work in this experiment.
    267267Experiment name: fixstr1_0410a and fixapex2_0410b. File names: fixstr1_0410a, fixapex2_0410b. Density excess and temperature for both experiments were 18.8 kg/m^3^ and 22.4°C respectively. Input flow rate started with 13.1 L/s and was decreased to 5.8 L/s. The start of the experiments (t=0 on the stopwatch) was when the flow rate and conductivity of the inlet box became constant.
    269 fixstr1_0410a: The total experiment time was 36 minutes. PIV measurements were conducted for the first 10 minutes of the experiment. ADV data was collected at the straight section (Position X1 - 75% down straight section, 58 cm upstream from the end of the straight section) from 15 to 25 min after the flow rate became constant. 7 sets of siphon samples were collected at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 minutes after the start of the experiment each with a duration of 1 minute. The cross-stream UVP collected data from 5 to 15 minutes, and the down-stream UVP collected data from 25 to 35 minutes.
     269fixstr1_0410a: The total experiment time was 36 minutes. PIV measurements were conducted for the first 10 minutes of the experiment. ADV data was collected at the straight section (Position X1 - 75% down straight section, 56 cm upstream from the end of the straight section) from 15 to 25 min after the flow rate became constant. 7 sets of siphon samples were collected at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 minutes after the start of the experiment each with a duration of 1 minute. The cross-stream UVP collected data from 5 to 15 minutes, and the down-stream UVP collected data from 25 to 35 minutes.
    271271fixapex2_0410b: The total experiment time was 30 minutes. ADV measurements were collected from 15 to 35 minutes after the start of the experiment at the second apex (Position X4).
    277277Experiment name: rotstr1_0510a and rotapex2_0510b. File names: rotstr1_0510a, rotapex2_0510b. Inflow rate for both runs started with 13.1 L/s and then was decreased to 5.84 L/s until it reached a constant level.
    279 rotstr1_0510a: The total experiment time was 36 mins. PIV measurements were conducted for the first 10 minutes of the experiment. However, the water was not as clear as expected and there were a lot of bubbles on the tank’s wall, so the quality of the PIV data may be low. Density excess and temperature were 20 kg/m^3^ and 22.6°C, respectively. ADV data were collected at the straight section (Position X1 - 75% down straight section, 58 cm upstream from the end of the straight section) from 15 to 25 min after the flow rate became constant. 7 sets of siphon samples were collected at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 minutes after the start of the experiment, with a duration of 1 minute. The cross stream UVP collected data from 5 to 15 minutes, and the down-stream UVP collected data from 25 to 35 minutes.
     279rotstr1_0510a: The total experiment time was 36 mins. PIV measurements were conducted for the first 10 minutes of the experiment. However, the water was not as clear as expected and there were a lot of bubbles on the tank’s wall, so the quality of the PIV data may be low. Density excess and temperature were 20 kg/m^3^ and 22.6°C, respectively. ADV data were collected at the straight section (Position X1 - 75% down straight section, 56 cm upstream from the end of the straight section) from 15 to 25 min after the flow rate became constant. 7 sets of siphon samples were collected at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 minutes after the start of the experiment, with a duration of 1 minute. The cross stream UVP collected data from 5 to 15 minutes, and the down-stream UVP collected data from 25 to 35 minutes.
    281281rotapex2_0510b: The total experiment was 30 minutes. Temperature and density excess were 23°C and 18.8 kg/m^3^, respectively. ADV measurements were collected from 15 to 35 minutes after the start of the experiment at the second apex (Position X4).
    287287Experiment name: rotstr1_0610a and rotapex2_0610b. File names: rotstr1_0610a, rotapex2_0610b.
    289 rotstr1_0610a: The total experiment time was 36 mins. Inflow rate started with 10.97 L/s and then was decreased to 5.75 L/s until it reached a constant level. The water was dirty so no PIV measurements were conducted. Density excess and temperature were 20 kg/m^3^ and 22.7°C, respectively. ADV data were collected at the straight section (Position X1 - 75% down straight section, 58 cm upstream from the end of the straight section) from 15 to 25 min after the flow rate became constant. 7 sets of siphon samples were collected at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 minutes after the start of the experiment, with a duration of 1 minute. The cross stream UVP collected data from 5 to 15 minutes, and the down-stream UVP collected data from 25 to 35 minutes.
     289rotstr1_0610a: The total experiment time was 36 mins. Inflow rate started with 10.97 L/s and then was decreased to 5.75 L/s until it reached a constant level. The water was dirty so no PIV measurements were conducted. Density excess and temperature were 20 kg/m^3^ and 22.7°C, respectively. ADV data were collected at the straight section (Position X1 - 75% down straight section, 56 cm upstream from the end of the straight section) from 15 to 25 min after the flow rate became constant. 7 sets of siphon samples were collected at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 minutes after the start of the experiment, with a duration of 1 minute. The cross stream UVP collected data from 5 to 15 minutes, and the down-stream UVP collected data from 25 to 35 minutes.
    291291rotapex2_0610b: The total experiment was 30 minutes. Temperature and density excess were 22.4°C and 19.8 kg/m^3^, respectively. Inflow rate started with 10.8 L/s and then was decreased to 5.9 L/s until it reached a constant level. ADV measurements were collected from 15 to 35 minutes after the start of the experiment at the second apex (Position X4).
    301301Four experiments were conducted. For the first two experiments the tank was rotated with a rate of 0.041 rad/s (0.4 rpm) in the counter-clockwise direction, which corresponds to a Rossby number of +2.
    303 rotstr1_1010a: The total experiment time was 36 mins. Inflow rate started with 10.86 L/s and then was decreased to 5.92 L/s until it reached a constant level. The water was dirty so no PIV measurements were conducted. Density excess and temperature were 19.7 kg/m^3^ and 23.3°C, respectively. ADV data were collected at the straight section (Position X1 - 75% down straight section, 58 cm upstream from the end of the straight section) from 15 to 25 min after the flow rate became constant. 7 sets of siphon samples were collected at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 minutes after the start of the experiment, with duration of 1 minute. The cross stream UVP collected data from 5 to 15 minutes, and the down-stream UVP collected data from 25 to 35 minutes.
     303rotstr1_1010a: The total experiment time was 36 mins. Inflow rate started with 10.86 L/s and then was decreased to 5.92 L/s until it reached a constant level. The water was dirty so no PIV measurements were conducted. Density excess and temperature were 19.7 kg/m^3^ and 23.3°C, respectively. ADV data were collected at the straight section (Position X1 - 75% down straight section, 56 cm upstream from the end of the straight section) from 15 to 25 min after the flow rate became constant. 7 sets of siphon samples were collected at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 minutes after the start of the experiment, with duration of 1 minute. The cross stream UVP collected data from 5 to 15 minutes, and the down-stream UVP collected data from 25 to 35 minutes.
    305305rotapex2_1010b: The total experiment was 30 minutes. Temperature and density excess were 23.8°C and 20.4 kg/m^3^, respectively. Inflow rate started with 10.86 L/s and then was decreased to 5.78 L/s until it reached a constant level. ADV measurements were collected from 15 to 35 minutes after the start of the experiment at the second apex (Position X4).
    307307For the second two experiments the tank was rotated with a rate of 0.021 rad/s (0.2 rpm) in the counter-clockwise direction, which corresponds to a Rossby number of +4.
    309 rotstr1_1010c: The total experiment time was 36 mins. Inflow rate started with 10.86 L/s and then was decreased to 5.75 L/s until it reached a constant level. The water was dirty so no PIV measurements were conducted. Density excess and temperature were 20.2 kg/m^3^ and 24.3°C, respectively. ADV data were collected at the straight section (Position X1 - 75% down straight section, 58 cm upstream from the end of the straight section) from 15 to 25 min after the flow rate became constant. 7 sets of siphon samples were collected at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 minutes after the start of the experiment, with duration of 1 minute. The cross stream UVP collected data from 5 to 15 minutes, and the down-stream UVP collected data from 25 to 35 minutes.
     309rotstr1_1010c: The total experiment time was 36 mins. Inflow rate started with 10.86 L/s and then was decreased to 5.75 L/s until it reached a constant level. The water was dirty so no PIV measurements were conducted. Density excess and temperature were 20.2 kg/m^3^ and 24.3°C, respectively. ADV data were collected at the straight section (Position X1 - 75% down straight section, 56 cm upstream from the end of the straight section) from 15 to 25 min after the flow rate became constant. 7 sets of siphon samples were collected at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 minutes after the start of the experiment, with duration of 1 minute. The cross stream UVP collected data from 5 to 15 minutes, and the down-stream UVP collected data from 25 to 35 minutes.
    311311rotapex2_1010d: The total experiment was 30 minutes. Temperature and density excess were 24.1°C and 19.4 kg/m^3^, respectively. Inflow rate started with 10.89 L/s and then was decreased to 5.78 L/s until it reached a constant level. ADV measurements were collected from 15 to 35 minutes after the start of the experiment at the second apex (Position X4).