94 | 94 | In the actual data collection experiments, two ADV probes were used. The basal probe is numbered 1, and the upper probe is numbered 3 [keeping with the earlier experimental protocol]. The traverse positions are based on the position of ADV1, the basal and most downstream ADV. The offset in the x-direction is 11 cm between probe 1 (most downstream probe) and probe 3 (most upstream) [i.e. when the traverse is positioned in the zero position (56 cm upstream of the end of the straight channel section) then ADV1 is in the zero position, and ADV3 is at -11 cm]. In the Z-direction they are positioned 14 mm apart. The dwell time at each point is 60 seconds. In the initial position the ADVs start 15 cm from the sidewall. Note that in these experiments the conductivity probe is located 7.3 cm downstream from ADV1, and is offset by 5.5 cm such that its initial position is 20.5 cm from the wall. The ADVs are positioned at the following positions from the floor for each of the measurement positions: |