Changes between Version 73 and Version 74 of WikiStart

Nov 3, 2017, 11:46:26 AM (6 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v73 v74  
    4343''Sketch of the topography seen from above with the distances to the (0, 0) coordinate.''
    45 [[BR]][[Image(Channel_Sideview_with_Coordinates.png, 900px)]]''''
    47 Sketch of the topography seen from the side and from the end into the channel.''''
     45[[BR]][[Image(Channel_Sideview_with_Coordinates.png, 900px)]]'''''''
     47Sketch of the topography seen from the side and from the end into the channel.'''''''
    4949== 2.3 Reference axis ==
    153153||900||30 cm||
    155 [[BR]]
    156155===  ===
    157156===  ===
    189188The images for PIV (PC01, PC02) are calibrated from images of a  horizontal grid, in 3D with an inclined grid (tilted angles) and in the  vertical (FALCON) for the camera fixed on the tank wall.[[BR]]The calibrated images with the grids are stored in 0_REF_FILES/CALIB2 with the [[BR]]- 2D calibration in the directory CALIB_09_10_horizontal[[BR]]- 3D calibration in the directory CALIB_09_10_3D and CALIB_09_10_3D_2.[[BR]]- calibration with the grid lying on the 2% sloping topography in the directory CALIB_09_10_2percent and CALIB_09_10_2percent_with_mark.[[BR]]- Vertical calibration in the directory CALIB_27_10_vertical and CALIB_27_10_vertical_ruler.
    191 For the calibration of PCO1 and PCO2, only the 2D calibration was used, because the 3D intrinsic parameters could be taken from the shelf break experiments. 
    193 For the calibration of FALCON, the images were too dark, so three points of the topography (bottom, upper points of the V-shape) were used for the calibration.
     190For the calibration of PCO1 and PCO2, only the 2D calibration was used, because the 3D intrinsic parameters could be taken from the shelf break experiments.Calibration parameters are therewith stored in CALIB_09_10_horizontal.
     192For the calibration of FALCON, the images were too dark, so three points of the topography (bottom, upper points of the V-shape) from EXP03 were used for the calibration. The coordinate system has to be rotated keeping a right-handed CO-system, in order to apply the calibration also to the scans with the vertical laser. The axis towards Falcon has to be the z-axis (positive towards camera) to set the slices, the coordinate to the right (towards the rotating platform) is x and the upwards coordinate is y.
    195194''[[Image(Channel_with_CameraPositions.png, 900px)]]''
    201200=== Laser sheet calibration ===
    202 [[BR]]
    203201||Laser setting||$H_{real}$||
    204202||50||14 cm||
    213211''[[Image(Conversion_MotorLevel_LaserSheet.png, 400px)]]''
    215 An excel sheet to calculate all heights is saved in 0_DOCS/Ice_Shelf_docs.'''''''
     213An excel sheet to calculate all heights is saved in 0_DOCS/Ice_Shelf_docs.''''''''''
    217215=== Probes calibration ===
    218 For  the calibration of the probes 3 measurements were done before the  experiments on the 5 probes and 4 measurements were done after. For each  C you can see in the table the voltage measured. 
     216For  the calibration of the probes 3 measurements were done before the  experiments on the 5 probes and 4 measurements were done after. For each  C you can see in the table the voltage measured.
    220218First calibration: Done the 23.10.2017