
Version 3 (modified by g7moreau, 7 years ago) (diff)

Better description

SoftWare / NagiosVelvice - Nagios Velvice Alert Panel


Nagios VELVICE is an acronym for "Nagios leVEL serVICE status".

The Nagios web page is sometimes very graphically charged and does not necessarily contain the information you need at a glance. For example, it is quite complicated to restart controls on multiple hosts in one click.

For example, a server that is down should take only one line and not one per service... Similarly, a service that has been down for 5 minutes or since yesterday has more weight than a service that has fallen for 15 days.

  • With Velvice Panel, a broken down server takes only one line. Services that have been falling for a long time gradually lose their color and become pastel colors.
  • With Velvice Panel, it is possible through a single click to redo a check of all services that are in the CRITICAL state. Similarly, it is possible to restart a check on all SSH services in breakdowns... In order not to clog the Nagios server, checks are shifted by 2 seconds in time.

There is also a link to the web page of the main Nagios server. For each computer, you have a direct link to its dedicated web page on this server.

The tool is quite effective and tries to keep things simple but easily configurable for your site like a swiss army knife. Everything is configured in a YAML file.

All the command help and description is on the online manual velvice

Debian package

Debian is a GNU/Linux distribution. Debian (and certainly Ubuntu) package for amd64 arch could be download on:

You can then install it with

sudo dpkg -i nagios3-velvice*_amd64.deb

(just replace * with the version you have donwloaded).

Software repository

All code is under free license. Scripts in bash are under GPL version 3 or later (, the perl scripts are under the same license as perl itself ie the double license GPL and Artistic License (

All sources are available on the LEGI forge:

The sources are managed via subversion ( It is very easy to stay synchronized with these sources

  • initial recovery
    svn checkout soft-nagios-velvice
  • the updates thereafter
    svn update

It is possible to have access to writing at the forge on reasoned request to Gabriel Moreau. For issues of administration time and security, the forge is not writable without permission. For the issues of decentralization of the web, autonomy and non-allegiance to the ambient (and North American) centralism, we use our own forge...

You can propose an email patch of a particular file via the diff command. Note that svn defaults to the unified format (-u). Two examples:

diff -u > nagios-velvice.patch
svn diff nagios-velvice > nagios-velvice.patch

We apply the patch (after having read and read it again) via the command

patch -p0 < nagios-velvice.patch

Attachments (1)

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