1 | %'imadoc2struct': reads the xml file for image documentation
2 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | % function [s,errormsg]=imadoc2struct(ImaDoc,option)
4 | %
5 | % OUTPUT:
6 | % s: structure representing ImaDoc
7 | % s.Heading: information about the data hierarchical structure
8 | % s.Time: matrix of times
9 | % s.TimeUnit
10 | % s.GeometryCalib: substructure containing the parameters for geometric calibration
11 | % errormsg: error message
12 | %
13 | % INPUT:
14 | % ImaDoc: full name of the xml input file with head key ImaDoc
15 | % option: ='GeometryCalib': read the data of GeometryCalib, including source point coordinates
16 |
17 | function [s,errormsg]=imadoc2struct(ImaDoc,option)
18 | %% default input and output
19 | if ~exist('option','var')
20 | option='*';
21 | end
22 | errormsg=[];%default
23 | s.Heading=[];%default
24 | s.Time=[]; %default
25 | s.TimeUnit=[]; %default
26 | s.GeometryCalib=[];
27 | tsai=[];%default
28 |
29 | %% opening the xml file
30 | if exist(ImaDoc,'file')~=2, errormsg=[ ImaDoc ' does not exist']; return;end;%input file does not exist
31 | try
32 | t=xmltree(ImaDoc);
33 | catch
34 | errormsg={[ImaDoc ' is not a valid xml file']; lasterr};
35 | display(errormsg);
36 | return
37 | end
38 | uid_root=find(t,'/ImaDoc');
39 | if isempty(uid_root), errormsg=[ImaDoc ' is not an image documentation file ImaDoc']; return; end;%not an ImaDoc .xml file
40 |
41 |
42 | %% Heading
43 | uid_Heading=find(t,'/ImaDoc/Heading');
44 | if ~isempty(uid_Heading),
45 | uid_Campaign=find(t,'/ImaDoc/Heading/Campaign');
46 | uid_Exp=find(t,'/ImaDoc/Heading/Experiment');
47 | uid_Device=find(t,'/ImaDoc/Heading/Device');
48 | uid_Record=find(t,'/ImaDoc/Heading/Record');
49 | uid_FirstImage=find(t,'/ImaDoc/Heading/ImageName');
50 | s.Heading.Campaign=get(t,children(t,uid_Campaign),'value');
51 | s.Heading.Experiment=get(t,children(t,uid_Exp),'value');
52 | s.Heading.Device=get(t,children(t,uid_Device),'value');
53 | if ~isempty(uid_Record)
54 | s.Heading.Record=get(t,children(t,uid_Record),'value');
55 | end
56 | s.Heading.ImageName=get(t,children(t,uid_FirstImage),'value');
57 | end
58 |
59 | %% Camera and timing
60 | if strcmp(option,'*') || strcmp(option,'Camera')
61 | uid_Camera=find(t,'/ImaDoc/Camera');
62 | if ~isempty(uid_Camera)
63 | uid_ImageSize=find(t,'/ImaDoc/Camera/ImageSize');
64 | if ~isempty(uid_ImageSize);
65 | ImageSize=get(t,children(t,uid_ImageSize),'value');
66 | xindex=findstr(ImageSize,'x');
67 | if length(xindex)>=2
68 | s.Npx=str2double(ImageSize(1:xindex(1)-1));
69 | s.Npy=str2double(ImageSize(xindex(1)+1:xindex(2)-1));
70 | end
71 | end
72 | uid_TimeUnit=find(t,'/ImaDoc/Camera/TimeUnit');
73 | if ~isempty(uid_TimeUnit)
74 | s.TimeUnit=get(t,children(t,uid_TimeUnit),'value');
75 | end
76 | uid_BurstTiming=find(t,'/ImaDoc/Camera/BurstTiming');
77 | if ~isempty(uid_BurstTiming)
78 | for k=1:length(uid_BurstTiming)
79 | subt=branch(t,uid_BurstTiming(k));%subtree under BurstTiming
80 | % reading Dtk
81 | Frequency=get_value(subt,'/BurstTiming/FrameFrequency',1);
82 | Dtj=get_value(subt,'/BurstTiming/Dtj',[]);
83 | Dtj=Dtj/Frequency;%Dtj converted from frame unit to TimeUnit (e.g. 's')
84 | NbDtj=get_value(subt,'/BurstTiming/NbDtj',1);
85 | Dti=get_value(subt,'/BurstTiming/Dti',[]);
86 | Dti=Dti/Frequency;%Dtj converted from frame unit to TimeUnit (e.g. 's')
87 | NbDti=get_value(subt,'/BurstTiming/NbDti',1);
88 | Time_val=get_value(subt,'/BurstTiming/Time',0);%time in TimeUnit
89 | if ~isempty(Dti)
90 | Dti=reshape(Dti'*ones(1,NbDti),NbDti*numel(Dti),1); %concatene Dti vector NbDti times
91 | Time_val=[Time_val;Time_val(end)+cumsum(Dti)];%append the times defined by the intervals Dti
92 | end
93 | if ~isempty(Dtj)
94 | Dtj=reshape(Dtj'*ones(1,NbDtj),1,NbDtj*numel(Dtj)); %concatene Dti vector NbDti times
95 | Dtj=[0 Dtj];
96 | Time_val=Time_val*ones(1,numel(Dtj))+ones(numel(Time_val),1)*cumsum(Dtj);% produce a time matrix with Dtj
97 | end
98 | % reading Dtk
99 | Dtk=get_value(subt,'/BurstTiming/Dtk',[]);
100 | NbDtk=get_value(subt,'/BurstTiming/NbDtk',1);
101 | if isempty(Dtk)
102 | s.Time=[s.Time;Time_val];
103 | else
104 | for kblock=1:NbDtk+1
105 | Time_val=Time_val+(kblock-1)*Dtk;
106 | s.Time=[s.Time;Time_val];
107 | end
108 | end
109 | end
110 | end
111 | end
112 | end
113 |
114 | %% geometric calibration
115 | if strcmp(option,'*') || strcmp(option,'GeometryCalib')
116 | uid_GeometryCalib=find(t,'/ImaDoc/GeometryCalib');
117 | if ~isempty(uid_GeometryCalib)
118 | if length(uid_GeometryCalib)>1
119 | errormsg=['More than one GeometryCalib in ' filecivxml];
120 | return
121 | end
122 | subt=branch(t,uid_GeometryCalib);%subtree under GeometryCalib
123 | cont=get(subt,1,'contents');
124 | if ~isempty(cont)
125 | uid_CalibrationType=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/CalibrationType');
126 | if isequal(length(uid_CalibrationType),1)
127 | tsai.CalibrationType=get(subt,children(subt,uid_CalibrationType),'value');
128 | end
129 | uid_CoordUnit=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/CoordUnit');
130 | if isequal(length(uid_CoordUnit),1)
131 | tsai.CoordUnit=get(subt,children(subt,uid_CoordUnit),'value');
132 | end
133 | uid_fx_fy=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/fx_fy');
134 | focal=[];%default fro old convention (Reg Wilson)
135 | if isequal(length(uid_fx_fy),1)
136 | tsai.fx_fy=str2num(get(subt,children(subt,uid_fx_fy),'value'));
137 | else %old convention (Reg Wilson)
138 | uid_focal=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/focal');
139 | uid_dpx_dpy=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/dpx_dpy');
140 | uid_sx=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/sx');
141 | if ~isempty(uid_focal) && ~isempty(uid_dpx_dpy) && ~isempty(uid_sx)
142 | dpx_dpy=str2num(get(subt,children(subt,uid_dpx_dpy),'value'));
143 | sx=str2num(get(subt,children(subt,uid_sx),'value'));
144 | focal=str2num(get(subt,children(subt,uid_focal),'value'));
145 | tsai.fx_fy(1)=sx*focal/dpx_dpy(1);
146 | tsai.fx_fy(2)=focal/dpx_dpy(2);
147 | end
148 | end
149 | uid_Cx_Cy=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/Cx_Cy');
150 | if ~isempty(uid_Cx_Cy)
151 | tsai.Cx_Cy=str2num(get(subt,children(subt,uid_Cx_Cy),'value'));
152 | end
153 | uid_kc=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/kc');
154 | if ~isempty(uid_kc)
155 | tsai.kc=str2double(get(subt,children(subt,uid_kc),'value'));
156 | else %old convention (Reg Wilson)
157 | uid_kappa1=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/kappa1');
158 | if ~isempty(uid_kappa1)&& ~isempty(focal)
159 | kappa1=str2double(get(subt,children(subt,uid_kappa1),'value'));
160 | tsai.kc=-kappa1*focal*focal;
161 | end
162 | end
163 | uid_Tx_Ty_Tz=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/Tx_Ty_Tz');
164 | if ~isempty(uid_Tx_Ty_Tz)
165 | tsai.Tx_Ty_Tz=str2num(get(subt,children(subt,uid_Tx_Ty_Tz),'value'));
166 | end
167 | uid_R=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/R');
168 | if ~isempty(uid_R)
169 | RR=get(subt,children(subt,uid_R),'value');
170 | if length(RR)==3
171 | tsai.R=[str2num(RR{1});str2num(RR{2});str2num(RR{3})];
172 | end
173 | end
174 |
175 | %look for laser plane definitions
176 | uid_Angle=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/PlaneAngle');
177 | uid_Pos=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/SliceCoord');
178 | if isempty(uid_Pos)
179 | uid_Pos=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/PlanePos');%old convention
180 | end
181 | if ~isempty(uid_Angle)
182 | tsai.PlaneAngle=str2num(get(subt,children(subt,uid_Angle),'value'));
183 | end
184 | if ~isempty(uid_Pos)
185 | for j=1:length(uid_Pos)
186 | tsai.SliceCoord(j,:)=str2num(get(subt,children(subt,uid_Pos(j)),'value'));
187 | end
188 | uid_DZ=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/SliceDZ');
189 | uid_NbSlice=find(subt,'/GeometryCalib/NbSlice');
190 | if ~isempty(uid_DZ) && ~isempty(uid_NbSlice)
191 | DZ=str2double(get(subt,children(subt,uid_DZ),'value'));
192 | NbSlice=get(subt,children(subt,uid_NbSlice),'value');
193 | if isequal(NbSlice,'volume')
194 | tsai.NbSlice='volume';
195 | NbSlice=NbDtj+1;
196 | else
197 | tsai.NbSlice=str2double(NbSlice);
198 | end
199 | tsai.SliceCoord=ones(NbSlice,1)*tsai.SliceCoord+DZ*(0:NbSlice-1)'*[0 0 1];
200 | end
201 | end
202 | if strcmp(option,'GeometryCalib')
203 | tsai.PointCoord=get_value(subt,'/GeometryCalib/SourceCalib/PointCoord',[0 0 0 0 0]);
204 | end
205 | s.GeometryCalib=tsai;
206 | end
207 | end
208 | end
209 |
210 | %--------------------------------------------------
211 | % read an xml element
212 | function val=get_value(t,label,default)
213 | %--------------------------------------------------
214 | val=default;
215 | uid=find(t,label);%find the element iud(s)
216 | if ~isempty(uid) %if the element named label exists
217 | uid_child=children(t,uid);%find the children
218 | if ~isempty(uid_child)
219 | data=get(t,uid_child,'type');%get the type of child
220 | if iscell(data)% case of multiple element
221 | for icell=1:numel(data)
222 | val_read=str2num(get(t,uid_child(icell),'value'));
223 | if ~isempty(val_read)
224 | val(icell,:)=val_read;
225 | end
226 | end
227 | % val=val';
228 | else % case of unique element value
229 | val_read=str2num(get(t,uid_child,'value'));
230 | if ~isempty(val_read)
231 | val=val_read;
232 | end
233 | end
234 | end
235 | end