Changeset 105 for trunk/src/mouse_motion.m
- Timestamp:
- Jun 24, 2010, 5:28:55 PM (14 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r104 r105 71 71 haxes=hchild(ichild); 72 72 xy=get(haxes,'CurrentPoint');%xy(1,1),xy(1,2): current x,y positions in axes coordinates 73 mouse.X=xy(1,1);74 mouse.Y=xy(1,2);75 u_mouse=[];76 v_mouse=[];77 w_mouse=[];78 A_mouse=[];79 c_text=[];80 f_text=[];81 ff_text=[];82 ivec=[];83 73 AxeData=get(haxes,'UserData');% data attached to the axis 84 if isfield(AxeData,'Drawing')&& ~isempty(AxeData.Drawing) 74 if isfield(AxeData,'Drawing')&& ~isempty(AxeData.Drawing) 85 75 test_draw=~isequal(AxeData.Drawing,'off'); 86 76 end 87 77 test_zoom_draw=test_draw && isequal(AxeData.Drawing,'zoom')&& isfield(AxeData,'CurrentOrigin') && isequal(get(gcf,'SelectionType'),'normal'); 88 test_object=test_draw && isfield(AxeData,'CurrentObject') && ~isempty(AxeData.CurrentObject) && ishandle(AxeData.CurrentObject); 89 if ~test_edit && ~test_zoom_draw && ~test_ruler 90 pointershape='crosshair';%set pointer with cross shape (default when mouse is over an axis) 91 end 92 if isfield(AxeData,'X') && isfield(AxeData,'Y') && isfield(AxeData,'Mesh')% test on the existence of a vector field in the current axis 93 if ~isempty(AxeData.Mesh) 94 flag_vec=(AxeData.X<(xy(1,1)+AxeData.Mesh/3) & AxeData.X>(xy(1,1)-AxeData.Mesh/3)) & ...%flagx=1 for the vectors with x position selected by the mouse 95 (AxeData.Y<(xy(1,2)+AxeData.Mesh/3) & AxeData.Y>(xy(1,2)-AxeData.Mesh/3));%f 96 ivec=find(flag_vec,1);% search the (first) selected vector index ivec 97 hhh=findobj(haxes,'Tag','vector_marker'); 98 if ~isempty(ivec) 99 if ~test_object % mark the vectors with a circle in the absence of other operations 100 if ~test_create && ~test_edit && ~test_ruler 101 pointershape='arrow'; %mouse indicates the detection of a vector 102 if isempty(hhh) 103 hstack=findobj(allchild(0),'Type','figure');%current stack order of figures in matlab 104 axes(haxes) 105 rectangle('Curvature',[1 1],... 106 'Position',[AxeData.X(ivec)-AxeData.Mesh/2 AxeData.Y(ivec)-AxeData.Mesh/2 AxeData.Mesh AxeData.Mesh],'EdgeColor','m',... 107 'LineStyle','-','Tag','vector_marker'); 108 set(0,'Children',hstack);%put back the initial figure stack after plot creation 78 test_object=test_draw && isfield(AxeData,'CurrentObject') && ~isempty(AxeData.CurrentObject) && ishandle(AxeData.CurrentObject); 79 if ~test_edit && ~test_zoom_draw && ~test_ruler 80 pointershape='crosshair';%set pointer with cross shape (default when mouse is over an axis) 81 end 82 if isfield(AxeData,'ListVarName') 83 [CellVarIndex,NbDim,VarType]=find_field_indices(AxeData); 84 if isfield(AxeData,'Mesh') && ~isempty(AxeData.Mesh) 85 text_displ_1=''; 86 text_displ_2=''; 87 text_displ_3=''; 88 text_displ_4=''; 89 for icell=1:numel(CellVarIndex)%look for all physical fields 90 if NbDim(icell)==2 % select 2D field 91 if ~isempty(VarType{icell}.coord_x) && ~isempty(VarType{icell}.coord_y)%case of unstructured data 92 eval(['X=AxeData.' AxeData.ListVarName{VarType{icell}.coord_x} ';']) 93 eval(['Y=AxeData.' AxeData.ListVarName{VarType{icell}.coord_y} ';']) 94 flag_vec=(X<(xy(1,1)+AxeData.Mesh/3) & X>(xy(1,1)-AxeData.Mesh/3)) & ...%flagx=1 for the vectors with x position selected by the mouse 95 (Y<(xy(1,2)+AxeData.Mesh/3) & Y>(xy(1,2)-AxeData.Mesh/3));%f 96 ivec=find(flag_vec,1);% search the (first) selected vector index ivec 97 hhh=findobj(haxes,'Tag','vector_marker'); 98 if ~isempty(ivec) 99 if ~test_object && ~test_create && ~test_edit && ~test_ruler% mark the vectors with a circle in the absence of other operations 100 pointershape='arrow'; %mouse indicates the detection of a vector 101 if isempty(hhh) 102 hstack=findobj(allchild(0),'Type','figure');%current stack order of figures in matlab 103 axes(haxes) 104 rectangle('Curvature',[1 1],... 105 'Position',[X(ivec)-AxeData.Mesh/2 Y(ivec)-AxeData.Mesh/2 AxeData.Mesh AxeData.Mesh],'EdgeColor','m',... 106 'LineStyle','-','Tag','vector_marker'); 107 set(0,'Children',hstack);%put back the initial figure stack after plot creation 108 else 109 set(hhh,'Visible','on') 110 set(hhh,'Position',[X(ivec)-AxeData.Mesh/2 Y(ivec)-AxeData.Mesh/2 AxeData.Mesh AxeData.Mesh]) 111 end 112 end 113 for ivar=1:numel(CellVarIndex{icell}) 114 VarName=AxeData.ListVarName{CellVarIndex{icell}(ivar)}; 115 eval(['VarVal=AxeData.' VarName '(ivec);']) 116 var_text=[VarName '=' num2str(VarVal,3) ',']; 117 if isequal(ivar,VarType{icell}.coord_x)||isequal(ivar,VarType{icell}.coord_y)||isequal(ivar,VarType{icell}.coord_z) 118 text_displ_1=[text_displ_1 var_text]; 119 elseif isequal(ivar,VarType{icell}.vector_x)||isequal(ivar,VarType{icell}.vector_y)||isequal(ivar,VarType{icell}.vector_z) 120 text_displ_3=[text_displ_3 var_text]; 121 else 122 text_displ_4=[text_displ_4 var_text]; 123 end 124 end 109 125 else 110 set(hhh,'Visible','on') 111 set(hhh,'Position',[AxeData.X(ivec)-AxeData.Mesh/2 AxeData.Y(ivec)-AxeData.Mesh/2 AxeData.Mesh AxeData.Mesh]) 126 if ~isempty(hhh) 127 set(hhh,'Visible','off') 128 end 129 end 130 elseif numel(VarType{icell}.coord) >=2 %structured coordinates 131 eval(['y=AxeData.' AxeData.ListVarName{VarType{icell}.coord(1)} ';']) 132 eval(['x=AxeData.' AxeData.ListVarName{VarType{icell}.coord(2)} ';']) 133 nxy(1)=numel(y); 134 nxy(2)=numel(x); 135 MaxAY=max(y(1),y(end)); 136 MinAY=min(y(1),y(end)); 137 if (xy(1,1)>x(1))&(xy(1,1)<x(end))&(xy(1,2)<MaxAY)&(xy(1,2)>MinAY) 138 indx0=1+round((nxy(2)-1)*(xy(1,1)-x(1))/(x(end)-x(1)));% index x of pixel 139 indy0=1+round((nxy(1)-1)*(xy(1,2)-y(1))/(y(end)-y(1)));% index y of pixel 140 if indx0>=1 & indx0<=nxy(2) & indy0>=1 & indy0<=nxy(1) 141 text_displ_2=['i=' num2str(indx0) ',j=' num2str(indy0) ',']; 142 for ivar=1:numel(CellVarIndex{icell}) 143 VarName=AxeData.ListVarName{CellVarIndex{icell}(ivar)}; 144 eval(['VarVal=AxeData.' VarName '(indy0,indx0);']) 145 var_text=[VarName '=' num2str(VarVal,3) ',']; 146 text_displ_2=[text_displ_2 var_text]; 147 end 148 end 112 149 end 113 150 end 114 151 end 115 mouse.X=AxeData.X(ivec); 116 mouse.Y=AxeData.Y(ivec); 117 u_mouse=AxeData.U(ivec);%displacement 118 v_mouse=AxeData.V(ivec); 119 w_mouse=0; %default 120 if isfield(AxeData,'W') & length(AxeData.W)>=ivec 121 w_text=[', w=' num2str(AxeData.W(ivec),3)]; 122 else 123 w_text=''; 152 end 153 end 154 if strcmp(text_displ_1,'') 155 text_displ_1=['x=' num2str(xy(1,1)) ',y=' num2str(xy(1,2))]; 156 end 157 if isfield(AxeData,'Z') 158 text_displ_1=[text_displ_1 num2str(AxeData.Z)]; %generaliser au cas avec angle 159 end 160 if isfield(AxeData,'ObjectCoord') && size(AxeData.ObjectCoord,2)==3 161 text_displ_1=[text_displ_1 num2str(AxeData.ObjectCoord(1,3))]; %generaliser au cas avec angle 162 end 163 %images 164 if strcmp(text_displ_2,'')&&isfield(AxeData,'A')&&isfield(AxeData,'AX')&&isfield(AxeData,'AY') 165 y=AxeData.AY; 166 x=AxeData.AX; 167 nxy=size(AxeData.A); 168 MaxAY=max(y(1),y(end)); 169 MinAY=min(y(1),y(end)); 170 if (xy(1,1)>x(1))&(xy(1,1)<x(end))&(xy(1,2)<MaxAY)&(xy(1,2)>MinAY) 171 indx0=1+round((nxy(2)-1)*(xy(1,1)-x(1))/(x(end)-x(1)));% index x of pixel 172 indy0=1+round((nxy(1)-1)*(xy(1,2)-y(1))/(y(end)-y(1)));% index y of pixel 173 if indx0>=1 & indx0<=nxy(2) & indy0>=1 & indy0<=nxy(1) 174 text_displ_2=['i=' num2str(indx0) ',j=' num2str(indy0) ',A=' num2str(AxeData.A(indy0,indx0,:))]; 124 175 end 125 if ~isfield(AxeData,'CName') 126 AxeData.CName='C';%REVOIR 127 end 128 c_text=[', ' AxeData.CName '=' num2str(AxeData.C(ivec),3)]; 129 if isfield(AxeData,'F')&length(AxeData.F)>=ivec 130 f_text=[', f=' num2str(AxeData.F(ivec),3)]; 131 else 132 f_text=''; 133 end 134 if isfield(AxeData,'FF')&length(AxeData.FF)>=ivec 135 ff_text=[', ff=' num2str(AxeData.FF(ivec),3)]; 136 else 137 ff_text=''; 138 end 139 else 140 if ~isempty(hhh) 141 set(hhh,'Visible','off') 142 end 143 end 144 end 145 end 146 if isfield(AxeData,'Z') 147 mouse.Z=AxeData.Z; %generaliser au cas avec angle 148 end 149 if isfield(AxeData,'ObjectCoord') & size(AxeData.ObjectCoord,2)==3 150 mouse.Z=AxeData.ObjectCoord(1,3); %generaliser au cas avec angle 151 end 152 testscal= isfield(AxeData,'A')& isfield(AxeData,'AX')& isfield(AxeData,'AY');%test the existence of an image (or scalar represented by an image) 153 if testscal 154 testscal=~isempty(AxeData.A)&~isempty(AxeData.AX)& ~isempty(AxeData.AY); 155 end 156 if testscal%test the existence of an image (or scalar represented by an image) 157 nxy=size(AxeData.A); 158 MaxAY=max(AxeData.AY(1),AxeData.AY(end)); 159 MinAY=min(AxeData.AY(1),AxeData.AY(end)); 160 if (xy(1,1)>AxeData.AX(1))&(xy(1,1)<AxeData.AX(end))&(xy(1,2)<MaxAY)&(xy(1,2)>MinAY) 161 indx0=1+round((nxy(2)-1)*(xy(1,1)-AxeData.AX(1))/(AxeData.AX(end)-AxeData.AX(1)));% index x of pixel 162 indy0=1+round((nxy(1)-1)*(xy(1,2)-AxeData.AY(1))/(AxeData.AY(end)-AxeData.AY(1)));% index y of pixel 163 if indx0>=1 & indx0<=nxy(2) & indy0>=1 & indy0<=nxy(1) 164 A_mouse=AxeData.A(indy0,indx0,:); 165 end 166 end 167 end 168 %coordinate transform if proj_coord differs from menu_coord 169 if isfield(AxeData,'CoordType') 170 mouse.CoordType=AxeData.CoordType; 171 end 172 if isfield(AxeData,'CoordUnit') 173 mouse.CoordUnit=AxeData.CoordUnit; 174 end 175 if isfield(mouse,'CoordType') 176 if isequal(mouse.CoordType,'px') 177 mouse.CoordUnit='px'; 178 end 179 else 180 mouse.CoordUnit='';%default 181 end 182 text_displ_1=['x=' num2str(mouse.X,4) ',y=' num2str(mouse.Y,4)]; 183 if isfield(mouse,'Z')&~isempty(mouse.Z) 184 text_displ_1=[text_displ_1 ',z=' num2str(mouse.Z,3)]; 185 end 186 if isfield(mouse,'CoordUnit') 187 text_displ_1=[text_displ_1 ' ' mouse.CoordUnit]; 188 end 189 if ~isempty(ivec) 190 text_displ_4=['vec#=' num2str(ivec)]; 191 end 192 if ~isempty(u_mouse) 193 text_displ_3=['u=' num2str(u_mouse,3) ',v=' num2str(v_mouse,3) w_text ]; 194 if isfield(mouse,'CoordUnit') 195 if isequal(mouse.CoordUnit,'px') 196 text_displ_3=[text_displ_3 ' ' mouse.CoordUnit]; 197 elseif isfield(AxeData,'TimeUnit') 198 text_displ_3=[text_displ_3 ' ' mouse.CoordUnit '/' AxeData.TimeUnit]; 199 end 200 end 201 text_displ_4=[text_displ_4 c_text f_text ff_text]; 202 end 203 204 if ~isempty(A_mouse) 205 text_displ_2=['A=' num2str(double(A_mouse)) ',i=' num2str(indx0) ',j=' num2str(indy0)]; 206 end 207 elseif isequal(htype,'uicontrol') && isequal(get(hchild(ichild),'Visible'),'on')&& ~isequal(get(hchild(ichild),'Style'),'frame') 208 text_displ_1=get(hchild(ichild),'Tag'); 176 end 177 end 178 %coordinate transform if proj_coord differs from menu_coord A REVOIR 179 if isfield(AxeData,'CoordType') 180 mouse.CoordType=AxeData.CoordType; 181 end 182 if isfield(AxeData,'CoordUnit') 183 mouse.CoordUnit=AxeData.CoordUnit; 184 end 185 if isfield(mouse,'CoordType') 186 if isequal(mouse.CoordType,'px') 187 mouse.CoordUnit='px'; 188 end 189 else 190 mouse.CoordUnit='';%default 191 end 192 end 209 193 end 210 194 end … … 214 198 set(handles.text_display_3,'String',text_displ_3); 215 199 set(handles.text_display_4,'String',text_displ_4); 216 % if ~test_draw217 % return218 % end219 % At this stage if no drawing operation is done220 221 200 222 201 %%%%%%%%%%%%%
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