Changeset 289
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r287 r289 143 143 if status==0 144 144 [~,result]=system('svn info'); 145 t=regexp(result,' vision\s:\s(?<rev>\d+)','names');145 t=regexp(result,'\s:\s(?<rev>\d+)','names'); 146 146 svn_info.cur_rev=num2str(t.rev); 147 147 [~,result]=system('svn info -r ''HEAD'''); 148 t=regexp(result,' vision\s:\s(?<rev>\d+)','names');148 t=regexp(result,'\s:\s(?<rev>\d+)','names'); 149 149 svn_info.rep_rev=num2str(t.rev); 150 150 [~,result]=system('svn status'); -
r288 r289 23 23 %TODO: search range 24 24 25 % Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 19-Nov-2011 1 0:00:2725 % Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 19-Nov-2011 19:26:20 26 26 % Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT 27 27 gui_Singleton = 1; … … 363 363 testciv=0; 364 364 end 365 set(handles. subdir_civ1,'String',subdir);%set the default subdir directories for installing the .nc results366 set(handles. subdir_civ2,'String',subdir);365 set(handles.txt_SubdirCiv1,'String',subdir);%set the default subdir directories for installing the .nc results 366 set(handles.txt_SubdirCiv2,'String',subdir); 367 367 browse.testciv=testciv; 368 368 browse.ind_opening=ind_opening; … … 692 692 end 693 693 if isempty(time) && ~strcmp(nom_type_search,'none') && ~strcmp(nom_type_search,'') && ~strcmp(nom_type_search,'*') 694 subdir=get(handles. subdir_civ1,'String');694 subdir=get(handles.txt_SubdirCiv1,'String'); 695 695 incr_pair=[0 0];%default 696 696 if isfield(browse,'incr_pair') … … 831 831 end 832 832 set(handles.ListSubdirCiv1,'Value',1) 833 set(handles.ListSub DirCiv2,'Value',1)833 set(handles.ListSubdirCiv2,'Value',1) 834 834 set(handles.ListSubdirCiv1,'String',[listdir;'new...']) 835 set(handles.ListSub DirCiv2,'String',[listdir;'new...'])835 set(handles.ListSubdirCiv2,'String',[listdir;'new...']) 836 836 if isempty(listdir) 837 837 dirname=listdir{1}; … … 839 839 dirname='CIV'; %default civ directory name 840 840 end 841 set(handles. subdir_civ1,'String',dirname)842 set(handles. subdir_civ2,'String',dirname)841 set(handles.txt_SubdirCiv1,'String',dirname) 842 set(handles.txt_SubdirCiv2,'String',dirname) 843 843 %check wether the current subdir exists: 844 % subdir_civ1=get(handles.subdir_civ1,'String');845 % subdir_civ2=get(handles.subdir_civ2,'String');844 % txt_SubdirCiv1=get(handles.txt_SubdirCiv1,'String'); 845 % txt_SubdirCiv2=get(handles.txt_SubdirCiv2,'String'); 846 846 847 847 ListPairMode_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) … … 1007 1007 % determine the menu for checkciv1 pairs depending on existing netcdf file at the middle of 1008 1008 % the field series set by first_i, incr, last_i 1009 function find_netcpair_civ1(h Object, eventdata, handles)1009 function find_netcpair_civ1(handles) 1010 1010 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1011 1011 set(gcf,'Pointer','watch') … … 1046 1046 1047 1047 %reads .nc subdirectoy and image numbers from the interface 1048 subdir_civ1=get(handles. subdir_civ1,'String');%subdirectory subdir_civ1 for the netcdf data1048 subdir_civ1=get(handles.txt_SubdirCiv1,'String');%subdirectory subdir_civ1 for the netcdf data 1049 1049 ref_i=str2double(get(handles.ref_i,'String')); 1050 1050 if isequal(mode,'pair j1-j2')%|isequal(mode,'st_pair j1-j2') … … 1183 1183 % determine the menu for checkciv2 pairs depending on the existing netcdf file at the 1184 1184 %middle of the series set by first_i, incr, last_i 1185 function find_netcpair_civ2(h Object, eventdata, handles)1185 function find_netcpair_civ2(handles) 1186 1186 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1187 1187 set(gcf,'Pointer','watch') … … 1231 1231 1232 1232 %reads .nc subdirectory and image numbers from the interface 1233 subdir_civ1=get(handles. subdir_civ1,'String');%subdirectory subdir_civ1 for the netcdf data1234 subdir_civ2=get(handles. subdir_civ2,'String');%subdirectory subdir_civ2 for the netcdf data1233 subdir_civ1=get(handles.txt_SubdirCiv1,'String');%subdirectory subdir_civ1 for the netcdf data 1234 subdir_civ2=get(handles.txt_SubdirCiv2,'String');%subdirectory subdir_civ2 for the netcdf data 1235 1235 % first_i=str2num(get(handles.first_i,'String')); 1236 1236 % last_i=str2num(get(handles.last_i,'String')); … … 1490 1490 1491 1491 %%read the civ GUI 1492 Param=read_GUI(handles.civ) 1492 Param=read_GUI(handles.civ); 1493 1493 %% check the selected list of operations: 1494 operations={'C IV1','FIX1','PATCH1','CIV2','FIX2','PATCH2'};1494 operations={'Civ1','Fix1','Patch1','Civ2','Fix2','Patch2'}; 1495 1495 box_test=[Param.CheckCiv1 Param.CheckFix1 Param.CheckPatch1 Param.CheckCiv2 Param.CheckFix2 Param.CheckPatch2]; 1496 1496 … … 1621 1621 binary_list={'Civ1Bin','Civ2Bin','PatchBin','FixBin'}; 1622 1622 case 'CivAll' 1623 binary_list={'Civ'} 1623 binary_list={'Civ'}; 1624 1624 case 'Matlab' 1625 1625 if batch … … 1631 1631 if isfield(Param.xml,bin_name{1}) 1632 1632 if ~exist(Param.xml.(bin_name{1}),'file')%look for the full path if the file name has been defined with a relative path in PARAM.xml 1633 fullname=fullfile(path_civ,Param.xml.(bin_name{1})) 1633 fullname=fullfile(path_civ,Param.xml.(bin_name{1})); 1634 1634 if exist(fullname,'file') 1635 1635 Param.xml.(bin_name{1})=fullname; … … 2282 2282 MenuFile=hh.MenuFile; 2283 2283 end 2284 MenuFile=[filecell.ima1.civ1(1,1); MenuFile]; 2284 if isfield(,'civ2') 2285 MenuFile=[{1,1}; MenuFile]; 2286 else 2287 MenuFile=[{1,1}; MenuFile]; 2288 end 2285 2289 save (profil_perso,'MenuFile','-append'); %store the file names for future opening of uvmat 2286 2290 else … … 2500 2504 2501 2505 %check dir 2502 subdir_civ1=get(handles. subdir_civ1,'String');%subdirectory subdir_civ1 for the netcdf output data2503 subdir_civ2=get(handles. subdir_civ2,'String');2506 subdir_civ1=get(handles.txt_SubdirCiv1,'String');%subdirectory subdir_civ1 for the netcdf output data 2507 subdir_civ2=get(handles.txt_SubdirCiv2,'String'); 2504 2508 if isequal(subdir_civ1,''),subdir_civ1='CIV'; end% put default subdir 2505 2509 if isequal(subdir_civ2,''),subdir_civ2=subdir_civ1; end% put default subdir … … 2549 2553 end 2550 2554 2551 %create the new subdir_civ12555 %create the new txt_SubdirCiv1 2552 2556 if ~exist(fullfile(Path_ima,subdir_civ1_new),'dir') 2553 2557 % cd(Path_ima); … … 2591 2595 end 2592 2596 end 2593 %create the new subdir_civ12597 %create the new txt_SubdirCiv1 2594 2598 if ~exist(fullfile(Path_ima,subdir_civ1_new),'dir') 2595 2599 % cd(Path_ima); … … 2765 2769 end 2766 2770 subdir_civ2=subdir_civ2_new; 2767 %create the new subdir_civ12771 %create the new txt_SubdirCiv1 2768 2772 if ~exist(fullfile(Path_ima,subdir_civ2_new),'dir') 2769 2773 [xx,m2]=mkdir(subdir_civ2_new); … … 2941 2945 end 2942 2946 end 2943 set(handles. subdir_civ1,'String',subdir_civ1);%update the edit box2944 set(handles. subdir_civ2,'String',subdir_civ2);%update the edit box2947 set(handles.txt_SubdirCiv1,'String',subdir_civ1);%update the edit box 2948 set(handles.txt_SubdirCiv2,'String',subdir_civ2);%update the edit box 2945 2949 browse.nom_type_nc=nom_type_nc; 2946 2950 set(handles.RootName,'UserData',browse); %update the nomenclature type for uvmat … … 3164 3168 function CheckCiv1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) 3165 3169 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3166 state=get(handles.CheckCiv1,'Value'); 3167 enable_civ1(handles,state) 3168 if state 3169 enable_pair1(handles,'on') 3170 end 3171 find_netcpair_civ1(hObject, eventdata, handles); 3170 update_CivOptions(handles) 3172 3171 3173 3172 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ … … 3175 3174 function CheckFix1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) 3176 3175 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3177 enable_fix1(handles,get(handles.CheckFix1,'Value'))3176 update_CivOptions(handles) 3178 3177 3179 3178 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ … … 3181 3180 function CheckPatch1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) 3182 3181 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3183 enable_patch1(handles,get(handles.CheckPatch1,'Value'))3182 update_CivOptions(handles) 3184 3183 3185 3184 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ … … 3187 3186 function CheckCiv2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) 3188 3187 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3189 state=get(handles.CheckCiv2,'Value'); 3190 enable_civ2(handles,state) 3191 if state 3192 find_netcpair_civ2(hObject, eventdata, handles) 3193 enable_pair1(handles,'on') 3194 end 3188 update_CivOptions(handles) 3195 3189 3196 3190 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ … … 3198 3192 function CheckFix2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) 3199 3193 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3200 state=get(handles.CheckFix2,'Value'); 3201 enable_fix2(handles,state) 3202 if state 3203 find_netcpair_civ2(hObject, eventdata, handles) % select the available netcdf files 3204 end 3194 update_CivOptions(handles) 3205 3195 3206 3196 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ … … 3208 3198 function CheckPatch2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) 3209 3199 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3210 state=get(handles.CheckPatch2,'Value'); 3211 enable_patch2(handles,state) 3212 if state 3213 find_netcpair_civ2(hObject, eventdata, handles) % select the available netcdf files 3214 end 3200 update_CivOptions(handles) 3201 3202 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3203 % --- activated by any checkbox controling the selection of Civ1,Fix1,Patch1,Civ2,Fix2,Patch2 3204 function update_CivOptions(handles) 3205 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3206 checkbox=zeros(1,6); 3207 checkbox(1)=get(handles.CheckCiv1,'Value'); 3208 checkbox(2)=get(handles.CheckFix1,'Value'); 3209 checkbox(3)=get(handles.CheckPatch1,'Value'); 3210 checkbox(4)=get(handles.CheckCiv2,'Value'); 3211 checkbox(5)=get(handles.CheckFix2,'Value'); 3212 checkbox(6)=get(handles.CheckPatch2,'Value'); 3213 ind_selected=find(checkbox); 3214 if ~isempty(ind_selected) 3215 RootName=get(handles.RootName,'String'); 3216 if isempty(RootName) 3217 msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','No input file') 3218 return 3219 end 3220 end 3221 set(handles.PairIndices,'Visible','on') 3222 set(handles.txt_SubdirCiv1,'Visible','on') 3223 set(handles.ListSubdirCiv1,'Visible','on') 3224 find_netcpair_civ1(handles) % select the available netcdf files 3225 % check_civ2pair=ind_selected(4;6); 3226 if max(checkbox(4:6))% case of civ2 pair choice needed 3227 set(handles.TitlePairCiv2,'Visible','on') 3228 set(handles.TitleSubdirCiv2,'Visible','on') 3229 set(handles.txt_SubdirCiv2,'Visible','on') 3230 set(handles.ListSubdirCiv2,'Visible','on') 3231 set(handles.ListPairCiv2,'Visible','on') 3232 find_netcpair_civ2(handles) % select the available netcdf files 3233 else 3234 set(handles.TitleSubdirCiv2,'Visible','off') 3235 set(handles.txt_SubdirCiv2,'Visible','off') 3236 set(handles.ListSubdirCiv2,'Visible','off') 3237 set(handles.ListPairCiv2,'Visible','off') 3238 end 3239 %index_last=find(checkbox,1,'last');%last selected button 3240 options={'Civ1','Fix1','Patch1','Civ2','Fix2','Patch2'}; 3241 for ilist=1:length(options) 3242 if checkbox(ilist) 3243 set(handles.(options{ilist}),'Visible','on') 3244 else 3245 set(handles.(options{ilist}),'Visible','off') 3246 end 3247 end 3248 3249 % end 3250 3251 % set(handles.(operations(ind_selected)),'Visible','on') 3252 % 3253 % if state 3254 % RootName=get(handles.RootName,'String'); 3255 % if isempty(RootName) 3256 % msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','No input file') 3257 % return 3258 % end 3259 % set(handles.Civ1,'Visible','on') 3260 % set(handles.PairIndices,'Visible','on') 3261 % else 3262 % set(handles.Civ1,'Visible','off') 3263 % end 3264 3215 3265 3216 3266 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ … … 3327 3377 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3328 3378 % --- Executes on carriage return on the subdir checkciv1 edit window 3329 function subdir_civ1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)3330 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3331 subdir=get(handles. subdir_civ1,'String');3332 set(handles. subdir_civ2,'String',subdir);% set civ2 directory the same as civ1 by default3379 function txt_SubdirCiv1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) 3380 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3381 subdir=get(handles.txt_SubdirCiv1,'String'); 3382 set(handles.txt_SubdirCiv2,'String',subdir);% set civ2 directory the same as civ1 by default 3333 3383 menu_str=get(handles.ListSubdirCiv1,'String');% read the list of subdirectories for update 3334 3384 ichoice=find(strcmp(subdir,menu_str),1); … … 3345 3395 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3346 3396 % --- Executes on carriage return on the subdir checkciv1 edit window 3347 function subdir_civ2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)3348 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3349 subdir=get(handles. subdir_civ1,'String');3350 menu_str=get(handles.ListSub DirCiv2,'String');% read the list of subdirectories for update3397 function txt_SubdirCiv2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) 3398 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3399 subdir=get(handles.txt_SubdirCiv1,'String'); 3400 menu_str=get(handles.ListSubdirCiv2,'String');% read the list of subdirectories for update 3351 3401 ichoice=find(strcmp(subdir,menu_str),1); 3352 3402 if isempty(ichoice) … … 3355 3405 ilist=ichoice; 3356 3406 end 3357 set(handles.ListSub DirCiv2,'Value',ilist)% select the selected subdir in the menu3407 set(handles.ListSubdirCiv2,'Value',ilist)% select the selected subdir in the menu 3358 3408 %update the list of available pairs from netcdf files in the new directory 3359 3409 if ~get(handles.CheckCiv2,'Value') && ~get(handles.CheckCiv1,'Value') && ~get(handles.CheckFix1,'Value') && ~get(handles.CheckPatch1,'Value') … … 3545 3595 nbslice=1; 3546 3596 3547 % subdir=get(handles. subdir_civ1,'String');3597 % subdir=get(handles.txt_SubdirCiv1,'String'); 3548 3598 [Path,Name]=fileparts(filebase); 3549 3599 if ~isdir(Path) … … 3636 3686 subdir='CIV'; %default subdirectory 3637 3687 end 3638 set(handles. subdir_civ1,'String',subdir);3688 set(handles.txt_SubdirCiv1,'String',subdir); 3639 3689 find_netcpair_civ1(hObject, eventdata, handles) 3640 3690 % end 3641 3691 3642 3692 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3643 % --- Executes on button press in ListSub DirCiv2.3644 function ListSub DirCiv2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)3645 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3646 list_subdir_civ2=get(handles.ListSub DirCiv2,'String');3647 val=get(handles.ListSub DirCiv2,'Value');3693 % --- Executes on button press in ListSubdirCiv2. 3694 function ListSubdirCiv2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) 3695 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3696 list_subdir_civ2=get(handles.ListSubdirCiv2,'String'); 3697 val=get(handles.ListSubdirCiv2,'Value'); 3648 3698 subdir=list_subdir_civ2{val}; 3649 3699 if strcmp(subdir,'new...') 3650 3700 subdir='CIV'; %default subdirectory 3651 3701 end 3652 set(handles. subdir_civ2,'String',subdir);3653 % set(handles.ListSub DirCiv2,'Value',1);3702 set(handles.txt_SubdirCiv2,'String',subdir); 3703 % set(handles.ListSubdirCiv2,'Value',1); 3654 3704 3655 3705 … … 4014 4064 end 4015 4065 set(handles.Civ2,'Visible','on') 4066 set(handles.ListSubdirCiv2,'Visible','on') 4067 set(handles.SubdirCiv2,'Visible','on') 4068 set(handles.TitleSubdirCiv2,'Visible','on') 4016 4069 else 4017 4070 set(handles.Civ2,'Visible','off') … … 4046 4099 % if isequal(get(handles.CheckFix2,'Value'),0) & isequal(get(handles.CheckPatch2,'Value'),0) 4047 4100 % set(handles.ListPairCiv2,'Visible','off') 4048 % set(handles. subdir_civ2,'Visible','off')4049 % set(handles. subdir_civ2_text,'Visible','off')4101 % set(handles.txt_SubdirCiv2,'Visible','off') 4102 % set(handles.TitleSubdirCiv2,'Visible','off') 4050 4103 % set(handles.dt_unit_civ2,'Visible','off') 4051 4104 % %set(handles.ref_i_civ2,'Visible','off') … … 4056 4109 % else 4057 4110 % set(handles.ListPairCiv2,'Visible','on') 4058 % set(handles. subdir_civ2,'Visible','on')4059 % set(handles. subdir_civ2_text,'Visible','on')4111 % set(handles.txt_SubdirCiv2,'Visible','on') 4112 % set(handles.TitleSubdirCiv2,'Visible','on') 4060 4113 % set(handles.dt_unit_civ2,'Visible','on') 4061 4114 % % set(handles.ref_i_civ2,'Visible','on') … … 4100 4153 % set(handles.CheckMask,'Visible','on') 4101 4154 % set(handles.ListPairCiv2,'Visible','on') 4102 % set(handles. subdir_civ2,'Visible','on')4103 % set(handles. subdir_civ2_text,'Visible','on')4155 % set(handles.txt_SubdirCiv2,'Visible','on') 4156 % set(handles.TitleSubdirCiv2,'Visible','on') 4104 4157 % set(handles.get_ref_fix2,'Visible','on') 4105 4158 % set(handles.ref_fix2,'Visible','on') … … 4127 4180 % if isequal(get(handles.CheckCiv2,'Value'),0) & isequal(get(handles.CheckPatch2,'Value'),0) 4128 4181 % set(handles.ListPairCiv2,'Visible','off') 4129 % set(handles. subdir_civ2,'Visible','off')4130 % set(handles. subdir_civ2_text,'Visible','off')4182 % set(handles.txt_SubdirCiv2,'Visible','off') 4183 % set(handles.TitleSubdirCiv2,'Visible','off') 4131 4184 % end 4132 4185 … … 4158 4211 % % set(handles.grid_patch2,'Visible','on') 4159 4212 % set(handles.ListPairCiv2,'Visible','on') 4160 % set(handles. subdir_civ2,'Visible','on')4161 % set(handles. subdir_civ2_text,'Visible','on')4213 % set(handles.txt_SubdirCiv2,'Visible','on') 4214 % set(handles.TitleSubdirCiv2,'Visible','on') 4162 4215 % stereo_test=get(handles.ListCompareMode,'Value'); 4163 4216 % if stereo_test==3 … … 4185 4238 % if isequal(get(handles.CheckCiv2,'Value'),0) & isequal(get(handles.CheckFix2,'Value'),0) 4186 4239 % set(handles.ListPairCiv2,'Visible','off') 4187 % set(handles. subdir_civ2,'Visible','off')4188 % set(handles. subdir_civ2_text,'Visible','off')4240 % set(handles.txt_SubdirCiv2,'Visible','off') 4241 % set(handles.TitleSubdirCiv2,'Visible','off') 4189 4242 % end 4190 4243 % set(handles.CheckStereo,'Visible','off') … … 4192 4245 function enable_pair1(handles,state) 4193 4246 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4194 set(handles. subdir_civ1,'Visible',state)4247 set(handles.txt_SubdirCiv1,'Visible',state) 4195 4248 set(handles.ListSubdirCiv1,'Visible',state) 4196 set(handles. SUBDIR_CIV1_txt,'Visible',state)4249 set(handles.TitleSubdirCiv1,'Visible',state) 4197 4250 %set(handles.frame_subdirciv1,'Visible',state) 4198 4251 set(handles.ListPairCiv1,'Visible',state) 4199 set(handles. PairCiv1_title,'Visible',state)4252 set(handles.TitlePairCiv1,'Visible',state) 4200 4253 %set(handles.dt_unit,'Visible',state) 4201 4254 %set(handles.PAIR_frame,'Visible',state) … … 4658 4711 [path1]=fileparts(filebase); 4659 4712 if isunix 4660 [status,path]=system(['readlink ' path]) 4661 [status,path1]=system(['readlink ' path1]) % look for the true path in case of symbolic paths4713 [status,path]=system(['readlink ' path]); 4714 [status,path1]=system(['readlink ' path1]);% look for the true path in case of symbolic paths 4662 4715 end 4663 4716 if ~strcmp(path1,path) … … 5145 5198 5146 5199 5147 % --- Executes on button press in CheckStereo.5148 function CheckStereo_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)5149 % hObject handle to CheckStereo (see GCBO)5150 % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB5151 % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)5152 5153 % Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of CheckStereo5154 5155 5156 5157 function num_SubdomainSize_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)5158 % hObject handle to num_SubdomainSize (see GCBO)5159 % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB5160 % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)5161 5162 % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of num_SubdomainSize as text5163 % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of num_SubdomainSize as a double5164 5165 5166 5167 function num_SmoothingParam_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)5168 % hObject handle to num_SmoothingParam (see GCBO)5169 % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB5170 % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)5171 5172 % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of num_SmoothingParam as text5173 % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of num_SmoothingParam as a double5174 5175 5176 5177 function num_MaxDiff_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)5178 % hObject handle to num_MaxDiff (see GCBO)5179 % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB5180 % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)5181 5182 % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of num_MaxDiff as text5183 % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of num_MaxDiff as a double5184 5185 5186 function num_Nx_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)5187 % hObject handle to num_Nx (see GCBO)5188 % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB5189 % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)5190 5191 % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of num_Nx as text5192 % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of num_Nx as a double5193 5194 5195 function num_Ny_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)5196 % hObject handle to num_Ny (see GCBO)5197 % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB5198 % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)5199 5200 % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of num_Ny as text5201 % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of num_Ny as a double5202 5203 5204 5200 % -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5205 5201 function MenuHelp_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) … … 5353 5349 MaxVel_string='';%default 5354 5350 if ~isempty(Param.(fixname).MaxVel) 5355 MaxVel_string=[' -threshV ' num2str(Param.(fixname).MaxVel)] 5351 MaxVel_string=[' -threshV ' num2str(Param.(fixname).MaxVel)]; 5356 5352 end 5357 5353 if isunix … … 5391 5387 % ' -max ' thresh_value ' -nopt ' subdomain_patch ' > ' namelog ' 2>&1']; % redirect standard output to the log file 5392 5388 % end 5393 5394 5395 % --- Executes on button press in CheckStereo.5396 function CheckStereo_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)5397 % hObject handle to CheckStereo (see GCBO)5398 % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB5399 % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)5400 5401 % Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of CheckStereo
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.