12 years |
sommeria |
a few bugs corrected
12 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected: handles.TimeName? in uvmat, 0_OAR emptied for culter …
12 years |
sommeria |
a few bugs repaired, display of the local mouse indication in a …
12 years |
sommeria |
system of object creation by mouse ilmproved
12 years |
sommeria |
waitbar system for series improved to aloow use as stand alone fcts.
12 years |
sommeria |
mouse system for uvmat imrpoved
12 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected. One step further for using compiled fcts and cluster …
12 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected
12 years |
sommeria |
suppress iscolumn in find_field_cells (do not exist in Matlab 2009) …
12 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected in geometry_calib and zoom management in uvmat
12 years |
sommeria |
bugs repaired. color images
12 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected
13 years |
sommeria |
various cleaning
13 years |
sommeria |
cleaning and small bug repair.
pb of histogram for filter data solved …
13 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected
13 years |
sommeria |
system of projection object manipulation with uvmat improved.
13 years |
sommeria |
improvements in object drawing and projection on points
13 years |
sommeria |
merge_proj corrected to project simulataneously velocity, vort, div... …
13 years |
sommeria |
improvement of object management
13 years |
sommeria |
improved way of dealing with projection objects
13 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected and improvement in civ1_TEST
13 years |
sommeria |
projection on object improved: two menus for object projection …
13 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected and improved procedure for object projection
13 years |
sommeria |
several bugs corrected: mask, color image…
13 years |
sommeria |
several bugs corrected
set_object.fig rationalized so that …
13 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected
13 years |
sommeria |
NomType? changed from _i1-i2 ... to _1-2 ... (bugs to be expected!)
bug …
13 years |
sommeria |
many bugs corrected, cleaning of civ.m, resize of the GUI civ
13 years |
sommeria |
improve the display of projection objects
13 years |
sommeria |
13 years |
sommeria |
GUI civ patch2 corrected (SmoothingParam?).
uvmatand view_field updated …
14 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected.
14 years |
sommeria |
various bug repair, improved display of msgbox_uvmat
14 years |
sommeria |
various bug corrections
14 years |
sommeria |
interactive test for piv introduced various bug corrections
14 years |
sommeria |
correction bug for vector plot (Fixscale did not work), extensions for …
14 years |
sommeria |
various bug repairs
14 years |
sommeria |
bug with mouse object editing resolved. Display feature 'satus' for …
14 years |
sommeria |
many bug repairs and corrections for mouse action
create_grid: option …
14 years |
sommeria |
various corrections for plotting and using view_field and get_field. …
15 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected for projection objects
15 years |
sommeria |
improvement of vioew_field
suppress spurious 'todo' path in civ
15 years |
sommeria |
debugging of geometry_calib and mouse operations
merge_proj: call to …
15 years |
sommeria |
civ3D updated: introduction of image size
imadoc2struct: reding of …
15 years |
sommeria |
civ: RUN civ lounched out of the Matlab work space. RUN and BATCH now …
15 years |
sommeria |
name_generator: remove unneeded indices at output
civ.m: & introduced …
15 years |
sommeria |
minor improvements
15 years |
sommeria |
gestion of projection objects improved. Implementation of …
15 years |
sommeria |
-plot projections on a new specific GUI view_field, to avoid the …
15 years |
gostiaux |
various bug fixes
15 years |
sommeria |
-relabel_i_j added to the svn (relabel an image series with two …
15 years |
sommeria |
the mode edit vectors debugged: it is now possible to mark vectors as …
15 years |
gostiaux |