12 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected, improvement of civ_input GUI
12 years |
sommeria |
limit time increased for series with cluster, status improved
12 years |
sommeria |
a few bugs corrected
12 years |
sommeria |
small bug corrected
12 years |
sommeria |
various bug corrections. Steps further for civ_series (still …
12 years |
sommeria |
various bugs repaired . civ_series further developed
12 years |
sommeria |
corrections done in civ
12 years |
sommeria |
steps further to use series with cluster. Some bsolete functions removed
12 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected. One step further for using compiled fcts and cluster …
12 years |
sommeria |
various updates, in particular modification of series to do …
12 years |
sommeria |
tps_coeff_field introduced and several bugs corrected
12 years |
sommeria |
find_file_series modified to deal with zero indices
12 years |
sommeria |
bug corrected in series
12 years |
sommeria |
bugs repaired in proj_field
12 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected; Posiibility of usual 1D plots introduced with the new …
12 years |
sommeria |
various bug repairs and cleaning
12 years |
sommeria |
12 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected
13 years |
sommeria |
various cleaning
13 years |
sommeria |
option 'background' set for matlab function in civ and series under …
13 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected after testing in Windows OS. Introduction
of …
13 years |
sommeria |
bug correctedin series
13 years |
sommeria |
various bugs repaired.
13 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected +
* filter parameter multiplied by 1000 in filter_tps*
13 years |
sommeria |
many bugs repaired. series set to work in mode background
13 years |
sommeria |
a few bugs repaired
13 years |
sommeria |
bug corrected in civ : reading time in case of xml file and avi
bugs …
13 years |
sommeria |
a few bug repairs and update in the series fcts
13 years |
sommeria |
a few bug repairs
13 years |
sommeria |
cleaning and bugs corrected
13 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected in series
13 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected
13 years |
sommeria |
series adapted to BATCH mode. Tests still needed.
13 years |
sommeria |
various bugs repaired
13 years |
sommeria |
bug corrected in output dir
BATCH mode implemented: still a problem …
13 years |
sommeria |
series rationalized. TO BE TESTED.
13 years |
sommeria |
many bugs corrected for the new file organisation
13 years |
sommeria |
bug repaired in series
13 years |
sommeria |
bugs fixed. Introduction of transparency and axis aspect ratio in uvmat
13 years |
sommeria |
merge_proj corrected to project simulataneously velocity, vort, div... …
13 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrections and improvements following tutorial presentation
13 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected in series and parameter walltime parameter in oar
13 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected in series and uvmat.
13 years |
sommeria |
implementation of thin plate interpolation (proj on planes with mode …
13 years |
sommeria |
find_file_series corrected and rationalised, with induced transforms …
13 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected in series
13 years |
sommeria |
introduce get_file_type to get easily the type of file (image, …
13 years |
sommeria |
many bugs repaired.
13 years |
sommeria |
various bug fixes with file indexing. mode displacement from a fixed …
13 years |
sommeria |
civ: bugs corrected. Iintroduction of an xm file for parameters read …
13 years |
sommeria |
a few bug corrected in series (still work to do)
13 years |
sommeria |
functions adapted to Matlab version 2009 (~ replaced by 'tild' in …
13 years |
sommeria |
bug corrections to series, introduction of a button BATCH (still under …
13 years |
sommeria |
series modified using 'uitable'. Bugs need to be corrected.
13 years |
sommeria |
-bugs repaired in civ
-change in find_file_series to account for …
13 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected
13 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected
13 years |
sommeria |
name2display replaced by fileparts_uvmat and find_file_series in …
13 years |
sommeria |
NomType? changed from _i1-i2 ... to _1-2 ... (bugs to be expected!)
bug …
13 years |
sommeria |
bugs repaired in series, default size of view_field changed. ';' added …
13 years |
sommeria |
further cleaning after new GUI civ: rationalisation of check_Grid and …
14 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected.
14 years |
sommeria |
various modifications
14 years |
sommeria |
thin plate shell (patch) introduced
14 years |
sommeria |
various bug repair, improved display of msgbox_uvmat
14 years |
sommeria |
various bug corrections
14 years |
sommeria |
bug fixes to deal with volumes, storage of ACTION menu in series fixed
14 years |
sommeria |
bug in nbfield display conrrected, as well as bug in the storage of …
14 years |
sommeria |
various bug repairs and cleaning
14 years |
sommeria |
various bug repairs, in particular for 3D fields
14 years |
sommeria |
CoordType? not used, replaced by CoordUnit?
bug repair in …
14 years |
sommeria |
many bug repairs and corrections for mouse action
create_grid: option …
14 years |
gostiaux |
cleaning code for the detection of matlab version.
14 years |
gostiaux |
Champs reconnu par ses paires sans temps
15 years |
sommeria |
merge_proj and series.m: bug for use of mmreader corrected
struct2nc: …
15 years |
sommeria |
nc2struct.m: convert variables to double after reading (civ gives …
15 years |
sommeria |
many bug corrections and cleaning. Activation of the BW option in …
15 years |
sommeria |
minor bug repairs. Projection on any abject inside the main uvmat axes …
15 years |
sommeria |
-use of a single parameter file PARAM.xml (instead of PARAM_WIN and …
15 years |
gostiaux |
various bug fixes
15 years |
sommeria |
-relabel_i_j: improve the question dlg box for image transform …
15 years |
sommeria |
civ: bug corrected for civ in batch
series and uvmat: further …
15 years |
sommeria |
field transforms put in subdir transform_field. cleaning of obsolete …
15 years |
sommeria |
-get_field: functions called by ACTION in the GUI get_field put in the …
15 years |
sommeria |
get_field: list of actions put as functions in subdir get_field (like …
15 years |
sommeria |
-subfunction find_file_indices put back in series (it had been …
15 years |
sommeria |
read_imadoc suppressed (obsolete, replaced by imadoc2struct) …
15 years |
gostiaux |
series native functions removed from series.m
15 years |
gostiaux |
unexpected line added in series
15 years |
sommeria |
possibilite de créer une grille physique dans geometry_calib (le faire …
15 years |
gostiaux |
The files from uvmat.2.2.beta that differed from the current version …
15 years |
gostiaux |
* Initial import
* Add .m files in src
* Add .fig files in src
* Add …