11 years |
sommeria |
cleaning , suppres effect of backward arrow in set_object.
11 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected
11 years |
sommeria |
various bugs repaired, in particula timing
12 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected
12 years |
sommeria |
geometry_calib corrected for translation and rotation + cleaning
12 years |
sommeria |
a few bugs corrected
12 years |
sommeria |
a few bugs corrected.
multimask introduced in series
displ_uvmat …
12 years |
sommeria |
a few bugs corrected in geometry_calib
12 years |
sommeria |
a few bugs corrected
12 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected
12 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected. Introduction of campaign lists in Open menu
12 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected: handles.TimeName? in uvmat, 0_OAR emptied for culter …
12 years |
sommeria |
get_field updated, several bugs corrected,open_uvmat suppressd
12 years |
sommeria |
various update, bugs to be expected
12 years |
sommeria |
various improvements: resize GUI uvmat, projection on lines
12 years |
sommeria |
corrections for mask and transform fct
12 years |
sommeria |
bug with mask corrected in uvmat. Update of browser in series
12 years |
sommeria |
12 years |
sommeria |
a few bugs repaired, display of the local mouse indication in a …
12 years |
sommeria |
system of object creation by mouse ilmproved
12 years |
sommeria |
waitbar system for series improved to aloow use as stand alone fcts.
12 years |
sommeria |
mouse system for uvmat imrpoved
12 years |
sommeria |
bugs repaired in series + cleaning.
Introducing of a demo program …
12 years |
sommeria |
a few bugs repaired
12 years |
sommeria |
problem of time display repaired
12 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected after tests with Windows OS.
12 years |
sommeria |
bug on compilation solved (still to test with transform_field fct). …
12 years |
sommeria |
a few bugs corrected
12 years |
sommeria |
various bug corrections. Steps further for civ_series (still …
12 years |
sommeria |
various bugs repaired . civ_series further developed
12 years |
sommeria |
corrections done in civ
12 years |
sommeria |
steps further to use series with cluster. Some bsolete functions removed
12 years |
sommeria |
various updates, in particular modification of series to do …
12 years |
sommeria |
various minor corrections made
12 years |
sommeria |
tps_coeff_field introduced and several bugs corrected
12 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected
12 years |
sommeria |
clean the transform field functions
12 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected for combining fields
12 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected for reading vort div
12 years |
sommeria |
grid improved for civ: computation done closer to the edge. set_grid …
12 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected
12 years |
sommeria |
many corrections; introduction of browse_data to scan the whole set of …
12 years |
sommeria |
LIF calibration improved
12 years |
sommeria |
introduce LIF, first step
12 years |
sommeria |
bug repairedin uvmat
12 years |
gostiaux |
regexp \. instead of .
12 years |
sommeria |
find_file_series modified to deal with zero indices
12 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected IN UVMAT. toolltip for InputTable? introduced in series;fig
12 years |
sommeria |
bug corrected in civ: multiple commands in .sh for civ_matlab
.m and …
12 years |
sommeria |
various bug repairs
12 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected for tps projection on a grid + pb of colorbar display solved
12 years |
sommeria |
bugs repaired for mask display in phys coord, display of circles in …
12 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected in geometry_calib and zoom management in uvmat
12 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected
12 years |
sommeria |
various bugs fixed, in particular patch projection with color images
12 years |
sommeria |
bugs repaired. color images
12 years |
sommeria |
new conventions for find_field_cells .
12 years |
sommeria |
bugs repaired
12 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected
12 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected; Posiibility of usual 1D plots introduced with the new …
12 years |
sommeria |
various bug repairs and cleaning
12 years |
sommeria |
12 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected
12 years |
sommeria |
new bugs corrected
12 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected. get_field now used in a passive way from …
12 years |
sommeria |
various bug corrections
12 years |
sommeria |
improvement of calc-field and combination of two fields
13 years |
sommeria |
various cleaning
13 years |
sommeria |
cleaning of uvmat and related fcts
13 years |
sommeria |
various improvements
13 years |
sommeria |
various improvments and corrections
dtatatree_browser tested
13 years |
sommeria |
datatree_browse introduced (still work to do)
get_field revised to …
13 years |
sommeria |
various improvements: read input parameters for civ. Order of panels …
13 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected. PARAM.xml complemented to provide info for …
13 years |
sommeria |
various bug corrections, compatibilty with older PIV data
13 years |
sommeria |
cleaning and small bug repair.
pb of histogram for filter data solved …
13 years |
sommeria |
13 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected after testing in Windows OS. Introduction
of …
13 years |
sommeria |
fix the the way to deal with filter fields using tps
fix the main …
13 years |
sommeria |
bugs removed for windows OS
13 years |
sommeria |
civ set to accept automatic input in the absence of PARAM.xml. Still …
13 years |
sommeria |
various bugs repaired.
13 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected +
* filter parameter multiplied by 1000 in filter_tps*
13 years |
sommeria |
several bugs corrected
introductyion of functions find_imadoc and …
13 years |
sommeria |
cleaning and bugs corrected
13 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected
13 years |
sommeria |
bugs repaired
13 years |
sommeria |
various bugs repaired
13 years |
sommeria |
series rationalized. TO BE TESTED.
13 years |
sommeria |
possibility of dealing with series of multiple images eg tiff- …
13 years |
sommeria |
masks and calibration updated to fit with the new conventions on file …
13 years |
sommeria |
many bugs corrected for the new file organisation
13 years |
sommeria |
bugs repairs testing .tif multimage
13 years |
sommeria |
civ improved to deal with movies. Introduction of a file type mmreader …
13 years |
sommeria |
corrections in the use of get_field
test_tps introduced, to test thin …
13 years |
sommeria |
system of projection object manipulation with uvmat improved.
13 years |
sommeria |
improvements in object drawing and projection on points
13 years |
sommeria |
bugs fixed. Introduction of transparency and axis aspect ratio in uvmat
13 years |
sommeria |
merge_proj corrected to project simulataneously velocity, vort, div... …
13 years |
sommeria |
compiled matlab civ introduced in Batch mode,
minor bugs fixed for …