10 years |
sommeria |
netcdf files stored in 32 bits (not double)
10 years |
sommeria |
job launching procedure modified in series
10 years |
sommeria |
series modified to deal with NbSlice? in local mode, subbackground …
10 years |
g7moreau |
* Suppress \n which made log file ending to .logn and not .log
10 years |
g7moreau |
* Delay a few second each subjob
10 years |
sommeria |
minor change in series
10 years |
sommeria |
netcdf4 introduced, turb_correlation added
10 years |
sommeria |
interp range introduced in set_object
10 years |
sommeria |
bug repaired in civ_series (mask problem) and clarification of output …
10 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected in fix in civ_series. vectors set to 0 inside mask
10 years |
sommeria |
various bug repair
10 years |
g7moreau |
* Update Copyright to 2015
10 years |
sommeria |
extract_rdvision updated for the new version and bug corrected in …
10 years |
sommeria |
various bgu repairs and ima_remove_partices and ima_remove_background …
10 years |
sommeria |
projection with tps corrected + minor changes
10 years |
sommeria |
walltime estimate introduced in series, and option of result file overwrite
10 years |
g7moreau |
* Change 0_OAR folder to 0_LOG
* Put -s to oar-parexec to switch log …
10 years |
g7moreau |
* Move NbProcess? down
10 years |
g7moreau |
* No switch subjob (oar-parexec)
10 years |
g7moreau |
* Do not split big list when use oar-parexec
10 years |
sommeria |
ima_erode_particles added
10 years |
g7moreau |
* Update estimated time for one job to 1800s
10 years |
sommeria |
sub_background corrected for volume and multilevel cases
10 years |
sommeria |
bug corrected in civ_series/patch
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
extract rdvision new
10 years |
sommeria |
read netcdf fixed
10 years |
sommeria |
bug in refraction index fixed
10 years |
sommeria |
flip added in geometry_calib
10 years |
sommeria |
bugs solved for reading general netcdf files
10 years |
sommeria |
extract_rdvision_new for the new image acquisition system
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
comments on extract_rdvision suppressed
10 years |
sommeria |
bug on memory increase solved for civ_series and stereo_civ, …
10 years |
sommeria |
bug corrected in civ_input
10 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected
10 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected in series, transform functions with input parameters …
10 years |
gostiaux |
Added option for PBS job scheduler at LMFA
10 years |
sommeria |
various bug fix
10 years |
sommeria |
various bug fixes
10 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected in stereo_civ
10 years |
sommeria |
stereo_civ and civ2vel_3C updated, spline introduced for …
10 years |
sommeria |
polyfitn added
10 years |
sommeria |
deformation modified in civ_series and bug corrections
10 years |
sommeria |
time serie input messages improved
10 years |
sommeria |
merge_proj corrected + various bugs
10 years |
sommeria |
civ improved at mask edge
10 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected
10 years |
sommeria |
histo improved
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
histo_diff upadated
10 years |
sommeria |
python option added in series and bug corrections
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
bugs repaired
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
various bug fix
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
add command clear line on set-object
10 years |
sommeria |
phys ima added again
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
small correction
10 years |
sommeria |
stereo_civ updated
10 years |
sommeria |
various bugs repaired
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
button added in series to clear an input line
10 years |
sommeria |
extract_rdvision corrected
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
extract_rdvision corrected, civ2vel_3C introduced (combined vel fields …
10 years |
sommeria |
bug corrected in geometry_calib
10 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected in uvmat: object deletion.
set_slices improved.
10 years |
sommeria |
phys mofidifed. phys_ima put as an outside fct
10 years |
sommeria |
phys_ima added
10 years |
sommeria |
add stereo_civ
10 years |
sommeria |
civ_input corrected to handle the new fct 'stereo_civ'
10 years |
sommeria |
miinor corrections on 'series'
10 years |
sommeria |
movie export improved
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
fcts transferred to /usr_fct
10 years |
sommeria |
'get_file_type' removed (replaced by get_file_info)
bug corrected in …
10 years |
sommeria |
REPLICATE mode in geometry_calib improved in terms of user interface
10 years |
sommeria |
extract_rdvision updated to treat all cameras at once
10 years |
sommeria |
series modified to have more general output dir options
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |
10 years |
sommeria |