Changes between Version 26 and Version 27 of Tutorial/AdvancedParticleImagingVelocimetry

Jan 30, 2015, 2:52:55 PM (10 years ago)



  • TabularUnified Tutorial/AdvancedParticleImagingVelocimetry

    v26 v27  
    1919[[Image(Tutorial7 - Civ on grid.png)]]
    21 Now activate '''[Run/field series]''' in the upper menu bar of '''uvmat''' and select the '''[Action]''' function 'merge_proj'. Select the box '''[Projection Object]''' so that the plane in '''set_object''' is incorporated. If '''set_object''' has been closed, then open its backup as an xml file with the browser. Select the transform 'phys' in the menu '''[!FieldTransform]'''. Select the indices i from first_i=1 to last_i=99. In the menu '''[!FieldName]''' select simultaneously the options 'vec(U,V)', 'curl(U,V)', 'div(U,V)' (using the key 'Ctrl'). Note that the whole configuration of '''series''' can be retrieved by the menu bar command '''[Import Config]''', opening 'Images.ref.civ.mproj/0_XML/c_1-99.xml'. Press '''[RUN]''' to start the projection, preferably with '''[run mode]'''='background' to keep free the current Matlab session.
     21Now activate '''[Run/field series]''' in the upper menu bar of '''uvmat''' and select the '''[Action]''' function 'merge_proj'. Select the box '''[Projection Object]''' so that the plane in '''set_object''' is incorporated. If '''set_object''' has been closed, then open its backup as an xml file with the browser. Select the transform 'phys' in the menu '''[!FieldTransform]'''. Select the indices i from first_i=1 to last_i=99. In the menu '''[!FieldName]''' select simultaneously the options 'vec(U,V)', 'curl(U,V)', 'div(U,V)' (using the keyboard 'Ctrl' button). Note that the whole configuration of '''series''' can be retrieved by the menu bar command '''[Import Config]''', opening 'Images.ref.civ.mproj/0_XML/c_1-99.xml'. Press '''[RUN]''' to start the projection, preferably with '''[run mode]'''='background' to keep free the current Matlab session.
    2323The projected fields are written as netcdf files in the folder 'images.civ.mproj'. Those can be opened by '''uvmat'''. The list of 'variables' appear in a GUI '''get_field'''. Selecting the variables 'U', 'V', 'curl'... in the table variables, we can see their dimensions in the right hand column. They are structured as two-component arrays (y,x) unlike the raw PIV results. Select the plot option 'scalar' or 'vector', and the quantity to plot in '''uvmat''', as well as the variables used as coordinates, here 'coord_x' and 'coord_y'.