source: trunk/src/read_field.m @ 763

Last change on this file since 763 was 748, checked in by sommeria, 10 years ago

update for 3D plots, panel Coordiantes introduces, while coordiantes now called Axes

File size: 11.4 KB
[497]1%'read_field': read the fields from files in different formats (netcdf files, images, video)
[450]3%  function [Field,ParamOut,errormsg] = read_field(FileName,FileType,ParamIn,num)
6% Field: matlab structure representing the field
7% ParamOut: structure representing parameters:
8%        .FieldName; field name
9%        .VelType
10%        .CivStage: stage of civx processing (=0, not Civx, =1 (civ1), =2  (fix1)....     
11%        .Npx,.Npy: for images, nbre of pixels in x and y
12% errormsg: error message, ='' by default
[466]15% FileName: name of the input file
[497]16% FileType: type of file, as determined by the function get_file_type.m
[450]17% ParamIn: movie object or Matlab structure of input parameters
[445]18%     .FieldName: name (char string) of the input field (for Civx data)
19%     .VelType: char string giving the type of velocity data ('civ1', 'filter1', 'civ2'...)
[181]20%     .ColorVar: variable used for vector color
21%     .Npx, .Npy: nbre of pixels along x and y (used for .vol input files)
[693]22%     .TimeDimName: name of the dimension considered as 'time', selected index value then set by input 'num'   
[466]23% num: frame number for movies
25% see also read_image.m,read_civxdata.m,read_civdata.m,
[450]27function [Field,ParamOut,errormsg] = read_field(FileName,FileType,ParamIn,num)
[748]28%% default output and check input
[354]30if ~exist('num','var')
31    num=1;
33if ~exist('ParamIn','var')
34    ParamIn=[];
[635]38if ~exist(FileName,'file')
[747]39    errormsg=['input file ' FileName ' does not exist'];
[635]40    return
[526]45if isstruct(ParamIn)
[575]46    if isfield(ParamIn,'FieldName')
47        if ischar(ParamIn.FieldName)
[576]48            InputField={ParamIn.FieldName};
[575]49        else
50            InputField= ParamIn.FieldName;
51        end
[526]52    end
[654]53    check_colorvar=zeros(size(InputField));
[684]54    if isfield(ParamIn,'ColorVar')&&~isempty(ParamIn.ColorVar)
[526]55        InputField=[ParamIn.FieldName {ParamIn.ColorVar}];
[654]56        check_colorvar(numel(InputField))=1;
[526]57    end
[334]60%% distingush different input file types
[527]61switch FileType
[748]62    case 'civdata'% new format for civ results
[527]63        [Field,ParamOut.VelType,errormsg]=read_civdata(FileName,InputField,ParamIn.VelType);
64        if ~isempty(errormsg),errormsg=['read_civdata / ' errormsg];return,end
65        ParamOut.CivStage=Field.CivStage;
[748]66    case 'civx'% old (obsolete) format for civ results
[527]67        ParamOut.FieldName='velocity';%Civx data found, set .FieldName='velocity' by default
68        [Field,ParamOut.VelType,errormsg]=read_civxdata(FileName,InputField,ParamIn.VelType);
69        if ~isempty(errormsg),errormsg=['read_civxdata / ' errormsg];return,end
70        ParamOut.CivStage=Field.CivStage;
[748]71    case 'netcdf'% general netcdf file (not recognized as civ)
[527]72        ListVar={};
[675]73        Role={};
74        ProjModeRequest={};
[684]75        ListInputField={};
76        ListOperator={};
[681]77        checkU=0;
78        checkV=0;
[527]79        for ilist=1:numel(InputField)
[748]80            % look for input variables to read
[527]81            r=regexp(InputField{ilist},'(?<Operator>(^vec|^norm))\((?<UName>.+),(?<VName>.+)\)$','names');
[654]82            if isempty(r)%  no operator used
[681]83                if isempty(find(strcmp(InputField{ilist},ListVar)))
[684]84                    ListVar=[ListVar InputField(ilist)];%append the variable name if not already in the list
85                    ListInputField=[ListInputField InputField(ilist)];
86                    ListOperator=[ListOperator {''}];
[681]87                end
[654]88                if check_colorvar(ilist)
[667]89                    Role{numel(ListVar)}='ancillary';% not projected with interpolation
90                    ProjModeRequest{numel(ListVar)}='';
[654]91                else
[667]92                    Role{numel(ListVar)}='scalar';
93                    ProjModeRequest{numel(ListVar)}='interp_lin';%scalar field (requires interpolation for plot)
[654]94                end
95            else  % an operator 'vec' or 'norm' is used
[667]96                if ~check_colorvar(ilist) && strcmp(r.Operator,'norm')
[675]97                    ProjModeRequestVar='interp_lin';%scalar field (requires interpolation for plot)
[667]98                else
[675]99                    ProjModeRequestVar='';
[667]100                end
[675]101                ind_var_U=find(strcmp(r.UName,ListVar));%check previous listing of variable r.UName
102                ind_var_V=find(strcmp(r.VName,ListVar));%check previous listing of variable r.VName
103                if isempty(ind_var_U)
[684]104                    ListVar=[ListVar {r.UName}]; % append the variable in the list if not previously listed
[675]105                    Role=[Role {'vector_x'}];
106                    ProjModeRequest=[ProjModeRequest {ProjModeRequestVar}];
[684]107                    ListInputField=[ListInputField InputField(ilist)];
108                    %ListOperator=[ListOperator {[r.Operator '_U']}];
[681]109                else
110                    checkU=1;
[675]111                end
112                if isempty(ind_var_V)
[684]113                    ListVar=[ListVar {r.VName}];% append the variable in the list if not previously listed
[675]114                    Role=[Role {'vector_y'}];
115                    ProjModeRequest=[ProjModeRequest {ProjModeRequestVar}];
[684]116                    ListInputField=[ListInputField {''}];
117                    %ListOperator=[ListOperator {[r.Operator '_V']}];
[681]118                else
119                    checkV=1;
[675]120                end
[493]121            end
[527]122        end
[748]123        if ~isfield(ParamIn,'Coord_z')
124            ParamIn.Coord_z=[];
125        end
126        NbCoord=~isempty(ParamIn.Coord_x)+~isempty(ParamIn.Coord_y)+~isempty(ParamIn.Coord_z);
[648]127        if isfield(ParamIn,'TimeDimName')% case of reading of a single time index in a multidimensional array
[748]128            [Field,var_detect,ichoice,errormsg]=nc2struct(FileName,'TimeDimName',ParamIn.TimeDimName,num,[ParamIn.Coord_x ParamIn.Coord_y ParamIn.Coord_z ListVar]);
[747]129        elseif isfield(ParamIn,'TimeVarName')% case of reading of a single time  in a multidimensional array
[748]130            [Field,var_detect,ichoice,errormsg]=nc2struct(FileName,'TimeVarName',ParamIn.TimeVarName,num,[ParamIn.Coord_x ParamIn.Coord_y ParamIn.Coord_z ListVar]);
131            NbCoord=NbCoord+1;% adds time coordinate
[648]132        else
[748]133            [Field,var_detect,ichoice,errormsg]=nc2struct(FileName,[ParamIn.Coord_x ParamIn.Coord_y ParamIn.Coord_z ListVar]);
[648]134        end
[747]135        if ~isempty(errormsg)
[534]136            return
137        end
[748]138        %scan all the variables beyond the two first ones, ParamIn.Coord_x and ParamIn.Coord_y.
139        for ilist=NbCoord+1:numel(Field.VarDimName)
140            if isequal(Field.VarDimName{1},Field.VarDimName{ilist}) % if a variable has the same dimension as the coordinate, it denotes a field with unstructured coordinates
[675]141                Field.VarAttribute{1}.Role='coord_x';%unstructured coordinates
142                Field.VarAttribute{2}.Role='coord_y';
[748]143                if NbCoord>=3
144                    Field.VarAttribute{3}.Role='coord_z';
145                end
[675]146                break
147            end
148        end
[684]149        NormName='';
150        UName='';
151        VName='';
152        for ilist=1:numel(ListVar)
[748]153            Field.VarAttribute{ilist+NbCoord}.Role=Role{ilist};
154            Field.VarAttribute{ilist+NbCoord}.ProjModeRequest=ProjModeRequest{ilist};
[648]155            if isfield(ParamIn,'FieldName')
[748]156                Field.VarAttribute{ilist+NbCoord}.FieldName=ListInputField{ilist};
[648]157            end
[684]158            r=regexp(ListInputField{ilist},'(?<Operator>(^vec|^norm))\((?<UName>.+),(?<VName>.+)\)$','names');
159            if ~isempty(r)&& strcmp(r.Operator,'norm')
160                NormName='norm';
161                if ~isempty(find(strcmp(ListVar,'norm')))
162                    NormName='norm_1';
163                end
164                Field.ListVarName=[Field.ListVarName {NormName}];
165                ilistmax=numel(Field.ListVarName);
166                Field.VarDimName{ilistmax}=Field.VarDimName{ilist+2};
167                Field.VarAttribute{ilistmax}.Role='scalar';
168                Field.(NormName)=Field.(r.UName).*Field.(r.UName)+Field.(r.VName).*Field.(r.VName);
169                Field.(NormName)=sqrt(Field.(NormName));
170                UName=r.UName;
171                VName=r.VName;
[681]172            end
173        end
[684]174        if ~isempty(NormName)% remove U and V if norm has been calculated and U and V are not needed as variables
175            ind_var_U=find(strcmp(UName,ListVar));%check previous listing of variable r.UName
176            ind_var_V=find(strcmp(VName,ListVar));%check previous listing of variable r.VName
177             if ~checkU && ~checkV
178                    Field.ListVarName([ind_var_U+2 ind_var_V+2])=[];
179                    Field.VarDimName([ind_var_U+2 ind_var_V+2])=[];
180                    Field.VarAttribute([ind_var_U+2 ind_var_V+2])=[];
181                elseif ~checkU
182                    Field.ListVarName(ind_var_U+2)=[];
183                    Field.VarDimName(ind_var_U+2)=[];
184                    Field.VarAttribute(ind_var_U+2 )=[];
185                elseif ~checkV
186                    Field.ListVarName(ind_var_V+2)=[];
187                    Field.VarDimName(ind_var_V+2)=[];
188                    Field.VarAttribute(ind_var_V+2 )=[];
189             end
190        end
[527]191    case 'video'
192        if strcmp(class(ParamIn),'VideoReader')
193            A=read(ParamIn,num);
194        else
195            ParamOut=VideoReader(FileName);
196            A=read(ParamOut,num);
197        end
198    case 'mmreader'
199        if strcmp(class(ParamIn),'mmreader')
200            A=read(ParamIn,num);
201        else
202            ParamOut=mmreader(FileName);
203            A=read(ParamOut,num);
204        end
205    case 'vol'
206        A=imread(FileName);
207        Npz=size(A,1)/ParamIn.Npy;
208        A=reshape(A',ParamIn.Npx,ParamIn.Npy,Npz);
209        A=permute(A,[3 2 1]);
210    case 'multimage'
211        warning 'off'
212        A=imread(FileName,num);
213    case 'image'
214        A=imread(FileName);
216if ~isempty(errormsg)
217    errormsg=[FileType ' input: ' errormsg];
[445]218    return
[334]221%% case of image
222if ~isempty(A)
[452]223    if isstruct(ParamOut)
[580]224        ParamOut.FieldName='image';
[452]225    end
[182]226    Npz=1;%default
[181]227    npxy=size(A);
[580]228    %     Rangx=[0.5 npxy(2)-0.5]; % coordinates of the first and last pixel centers
229    %     Rangy=[npxy(1)-0.5 0.5]; %
[181]230    Field.NbDim=2;%default
231    Field.AName='image';
232    Field.ListVarName={'AY','AX','A'}; %
233    if ndims(A)==3
234        if Npz==1;%color
235            Field.VarDimName={'AY','AX',{'AY','AX','rgb'}}; %
236            Field.AY=[npxy(1)-0.5 0.5];
237            Field.AX=[0.5 npxy(2)-0.5]; % coordinates of the first and last pixel centers
[452]238            if isstruct(ParamOut)
[580]239                ParamOut.Npx=npxy(2);% display image size on the interface
240                ParamOut.Npy=npxy(1);
[452]241            end
[186]242            Field.VarAttribute{3}.Mesh=1;
[181]243        else
244            Field.NbDim=3;
245            Field.ListVarName=['AZ' Field.ListVarName];
246            Field.VarDimName={'AZ','AY','AX',{'AZ','AY','AX'}};
247            Field.AZ=[npxy(1)-0.5 0.5];
248            Field.AY=[npxy(2)-0.5 0.5];
249            Field.AX=[0.5 npxy(3)-0.5]; % coordinates of the first and last pixel centers
[452]250            if isstruct(ParamOut)
[580]251                ParamOut.Npx=npxy(3);% display image size on the interface
252                ParamOut.Npy=npxy(2);
253            end
[186]254            Field.VarAttribute{4}.Mesh=1;
[181]255        end
256    else
257        Field.VarDimName={'AY','AX',{'AY','AX'}}; %
258        Field.AY=[npxy(1)-0.5 0.5];
259        Field.AX=[0.5 npxy(2)-0.5]; % coordinates of the first and last pixel centers
[182]260        ParamOut.Npx=npxy(2);% display image size on the interface
261        ParamOut.Npy=npxy(1);
[186]262        Field.VarAttribute{3}.Mesh=1;
[181]263    end
264    Field.A=A;
265    Field.CoordUnit='pixel'; %used for mouse_motion
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