14 years |
sommeria |
civ.m: rho_patch2 reactivated after bug corrections on the binary patch
14 years |
gostiaux |
Champs reconnu par ses paires sans temps
14 years |
gostiaux |
Added the umask 002 in order to set automatically the group …
14 years |
sommeria |
geometry_calib is now updated when a new image is viewed by uvmat …
14 years |
gostiaux |
in R2009g, delaunayTri only works with double; TODO : check that the …
14 years |
sommeria |
geometric calibration procedures updated
14 years |
sommeria |
Max number of jobs in run corrected
14 years |
gostiaux |
launch_jobs now reads correctly PARAM.xml
lots of autoindent corrections
14 years |
sommeria |
PARAM.xml is searched in the order of matlab path
14 years |
sommeria |
reads PARAM.xml in uvmat folder, then in matlab path
14 years |
sommeria |
merge_proj.m, proj_field.m: bugs repaired merging of images …
14 years |
gostiaux |
Changes from Joel on detect_grid
15 years |
sommeria |
aver_stat and time_series: bug repairs for reading images, for time …
15 years |
sommeria |
merge_proj and series.m: bug for use of mmreader corrected
struct2nc: …
15 years |
sommeria |
Bug fix
15 years |
gostiaux |
Same as previous revision (file was not saved before commit, sorry...)
15 years |
gostiaux |
Bug on recent version of matlab corrected (apparently a void uicontext …
15 years |
sommeria |
bugs corrected for projection objects
15 years |
sommeria |
improve the use of view_field for projections
15 years |
sommeria |
nc2struct.m: convert variables to double after reading (civ gives …
15 years |
sommeria |
plot_field.m, update_obj.m do not change figure names …
15 years |
gostiaux |
test commit from bigone
15 years |
sommeria |
bug with missing CivBin? field re-corrected
15 years |
gostiaux |
The repository has moved to soft-uvmat.
Cancels the last commit on …
15 years |
sommeria |
bug on opening repaired patchnewbin
15 years |
sommeria |
civ.m corrected to work for windows system
15 years |
sommeria |
FFT: improved to deal with NaN data
merge_proj: corrected to reproduce …
15 years |
gostiaux |
Plotting vectors centered on the middle of the arrow. Apparently this …
15 years |
gostiaux |
Solution for the compatibility of fprintf with windows : the \ …
15 years |
gostiaux |
15 years |
sommeria |
many bug corrections and cleaning. Activation of the BW option in …
15 years |
sommeria |
plot_field: test for multicomponent image (-> errormsg)
creat_grid: …
15 years |
sommeria |
improvement of vioew_field
suppress spurious 'todo' path in civ
15 years |
sommeria |
sub_field: bug corrected for comparing velocity and scalar (eg vort) …
15 years |
sommeria |
uvmat;fig: cleaning out of buttons for mask record
view_field, …
15 years |
sommeria |
-update_imadoc: copy the timing information of the movie file avi in …
15 years |
sommeria |
now open the relevant xml file for any input file
directory …
15 years |
sommeria |
mouse_up: improve zoom : keep the selected point at the same place on …
15 years |
sommeria |
several bug repairs:
option movie backward introduced for uvmat
15 years |
sommeria |
aver_stat and time_series.sform Bug correction for phys transform …
15 years |
sommeria |
time_series: subdir for result /time_series
mouse_motio: attempt to …
15 years |
sommeria |
debugging of geometry_calib and mouse operations
merge_proj: call to …
15 years |
sommeria |
introduction of volume projection on a regular grid (mode 'interp') …
15 years |
sommeria |
minor bug repairs. Projection on any abject inside the main uvmat axes …
15 years |
sommeria |
plot_field: bug repaired for profiles
view_field: introduction of a …
15 years |
sommeria |
rotate_points: used for geometry_calib was forgotten. It is now added …
15 years |
sommeria |
ima2vol: provides volume images in 16 bit (presently needed for the …
15 years |
sommeria |
ima2vol: write image volumes in 16 bits (test for civ_3D)
plot-text …
15 years |
sommeria |
civ3D updated: introduction of image size
imadoc2struct: reding of …
15 years |
sommeria |
geometry_calib.fig: introduction of the menu for matalb toolbox
15 years |
gostiaux |
Matlab tsai calibration included
15 years |
gostiaux |
New fig with tsai_matlab and tsai_cpp options
15 years |
sommeria |
civ: RUN civ lounched out of the Matlab work space. RUN and BATCH now …
15 years |
sommeria |
& suppressed !
15 years |
sommeria |
name_generator: remove unneeded indices at output
civ.m: & introduced …
15 years |
gostiaux |
ima_levels added to depository. This file used in series reequalizes …
15 years |
sommeria |
bug corrected on geometry_calib
15 years |
sommeria |
minor improvements
15 years |
sommeria |
gestion of projection objects improved. Implementation of …
15 years |
sommeria |
-plot projections on a new specific GUI view_field, to avoid the …
15 years |
sommeria |
upgrade and cleaning in uvmat: run min plus does not modify the field …
15 years |
sommeria |
bug correceted for reading variable attributes
15 years |
sommeria |
small bug repaired in civ (spurious call to first_i)
image pair movie …
15 years |
sommeria |
uvmat: edit vector button activated
debugging and cleaning after …
15 years |
sommeria |
-use of a single parameter file PARAM.xml (instead of PARAM_WIN and …
15 years |
sommeria |
sub_background modified to accept various movie and image inputs …
15 years |
gostiaux |
xml not anymore versioned
15 years |
gostiaux |
doc not versioned anymore
15 years |
gostiaux |
added doc repository at the same level than src
15 years |
gostiaux |
obsolete function
15 years |
gostiaux |
test commit
15 years |
gostiaux |
15 years |
gostiaux |
various bug fixes
15 years |
gostiaux |
various bug fixes
15 years |
gostiaux |
adaptation for movies
15 years |
gostiaux |
improve use of movies
15 years |
gostiaux |
improved use of movie input
15 years |
sommeria |
-proj_field, plot_field, civ_3D: bug repair for 3D3C velocity fields …
15 years |
sommeria |
-relabel_i_j: improve the question dlg box for image transform …
15 years |
sommeria |
-relabel_i_j added to the svn (relabel an image series with two …
15 years |
sommeria |
civ: bug corrected for civ in batch
series and uvmat: further …
15 years |
sommeria |
field transforms put in subdir transform_field. cleaning of obsolete …
15 years |
sommeria |
create_grid.fig ,
uvmat_doc and all the included files added
15 years |
sommeria |
-get_field: functions called by ACTION in the GUI get_field put in the …
15 years |
sommeria |
the mode edit vectors debugged: it is now possible to mark vectors as …
15 years |
sommeria |
get_field: list of actions put as functions in subdir get_field (like …
15 years |
sommeria |
loop on fid of revision.log works if the file is absent too.
15 years |
sommeria |
-subfunction find_file_indices put back in series (it had been …
15 years |
gostiaux |
if the file revision.log is absent nothing is written : now it works.
15 years |
gostiaux |
The version number is now read from the revision.log file that can be …
15 years |
sommeria |
read_imadoc suppressed (obsolete, replaced by imadoc2struct) …
15 years |
gostiaux |
list of functions empty now
15 years |
gostiaux |
files separated from series.m
15 years |
gostiaux |
series native functions removed from series.m
15 years |
gostiaux |
unexpected line added in series
15 years |
gostiaux |
series folder created, sub_background added
15 years |
gostiaux |
series was at the wrong place…
15 years |
gostiaux |
series folder created
15 years |
gostiaux |
restored ListDir?, deleted in the previous manipulation by mistake
15 years |
gostiaux |
private folder also deleted