13 years |
sommeria |
civ.m: gestion of subdirectory and pair display for civ2 improved
13 years |
gostiaux |
Bug in fix1 for windows arranged.
Civ goes to patch1 on windows
13 years |
sommeria |
further cleaning after new GUI civ. The function mouse_alt_gui allows …
13 years |
gostiaux |
Patch1 OK
13 years |
gostiaux |
fix1 now OK
13 years |
gostiaux |
CIV1 works again (windows)
13 years |
gostiaux |
modification for systems without svn
13 years |
sommeria |
further cleaning after new GUI civ. A general function read_GUI to …
13 years |
sommeria |
further cleaning after new GUI civ. A new function read_GUI is …
13 years |
gostiaux |
introduced dummy variables for multiple handles for the same tag... is …
13 years |
gostiaux |
civ opens again from uvmat
13 years |
gostiaux |
revision instead of version
13 years |
gostiaux |
check_functions renamed
uvmat.m now checks the svn revision
13 years |
sommeria |
further cleaning after new GUI civ: rationalisation of check_Grid and …
13 years |
sommeria |
further cleaning after new GUI civ
13 years |
sommeria |
further bug repair with renovated civ GUI
13 years |
sommeria |
GUI civ renovated with panels
13 years |
gostiaux |
functions read_param_... and cmd_... for civ1, civ2, fix1, fix2 …
13 years |
gostiaux |
Bug for multi-tif images removed
13 years |
sommeria |
minor bug repairs
13 years |
gostiaux |
batch_file_list included in launch_jobs
13 years |
gostiaux |
walltime set to 60min for packets of 6 jobs
13 years |
gostiaux |
queue nicejob added for oar submission
13 years |
sommeria |
bug on file rights fixed
13 years |
gostiaux |
Jobs sent by packets of 6 to the LEGI cluster
13 years |
sommeria |
stereo option repaired
13 years |
sommeria |
stereo option repaired
13 years |
gostiaux |
Option \core=1 added to oarsub command
13 years |
gostiaux |
Name CIVX added for jobs submission under oar
14 years |
sommeria |
bug repaired for civ : case of relative civ function paths
14 years |
sommeria |
bug repaired for time_series
14 years |
sommeria |
bug repaired for 1D plot (using get_field)
14 years |
sommeria |
launch_jobs clarified to deal with different systems and PIV in matlab
14 years |
gostiaux |
oar batch syastem added
14 years |
sommeria |
acver_stat corrected for multi slice case
14 years |
sommeria |
bug fix in read_field
14 years |
sommeria |
RUN_FIX suppressed
14 years |
sommeria |
various bugs corrected.
14 years |
sommeria |
bug corrected in mouse_motion (display of z)
civ_uvmat corrected to …
14 years |
sommeria |
phys: bug repair to account for a constant coordinate angle
14 years |
sommeria |
bug repaired in relabel_i_j (xml file no more corrupted)
14 years |
sommeria |
various modifications
14 years |
sommeria |
thin plate shell corrected for spatial derivatives
14 years |
sommeria |
thin plate shell (patch) introduced
14 years |
sommeria |
relabel_i_j , sub_field_series improved
14 years |
sommeria |
various bug repair, improved display of msgbox_uvmat
14 years |
sommeria |
bug repair in uvmat
14 years |
sommeria |
phys_XYZ introduced as a main function, geometry_calib corrected to …
14 years |
sommeria |
phys_XYZ extracted as a main function, and corrected
14 years |
sommeria |
14 years |
sommeria |
sub_background improved (memory allocation) and calc_background …
14 years |
sommeria |
various bug corrections
14 years |
sommeria |
function read_civdata to read new PIV files (Conventions:uvmat/civdata)
14 years |
sommeria |
correct Matlab PIV, remove call to image tool box. Improve menu of …
14 years |
gostiaux |
reading revision revision.info works
14 years |
gostiaux |
revision file info in revision.info, not revision.log
14 years |
sommeria |
small bug corrections, and improved display of image correlations …
14 years |
gostiaux |
JOBS POLICY added in the Batch window
14 years |
sommeria |
interactive test for piv introduced various bug corrections
14 years |
sommeria |
gestion of .civ1;cmx , .civ2.cmx clarified
14 years |
sommeria |
mode 'compare' tested and updated. dt in civ1 was set to 1 for test in …
14 years |
sommeria |
add function sub_field_series to apply the sub_field operation to a …
14 years |
sommeria |
add function sub_field_series to apply the sub_field operation to a …
14 years |
sommeria |
add function sub_field_series to apply the sub_field operation to a …
14 years |
sommeria |
civ : bug in binary check repaired. Introduction of the option PIVlab …
14 years |
sommeria |
civ : case of relative path for binaries treated. Test_civ improved: …
14 years |
sommeria |
bug corrected: update the xml file
14 years |
sommeria |
cleaning of merge_proj
14 years |
sommeria |
various bug corrections.
14 years |
sommeria |
correction in civ to reactivate civall. Cleaning of figures civ.fig …
14 years |
sommeria |
civ: put job_list.bat in executable mode (it was removed during tests …
14 years |
sommeria |
write data in a new directory .0 if the selected output directory exists
14 years |
sommeria |
correct bug on sub_background (test_level)
14 years |
sommeria |
correct bug on xml reading
14 years |
sommeria |
proj_field: correct the projection mode filter on a line
uvmat: …
14 years |
sommeria |
relabel_i_j and sub_background improved. Possibility of using levels
14 years |
sommeria |
bug corrected for 3D geometry calib: tilt angles
14 years |
sommeria |
bugs on set_object and proj_field repaired , new plane angle definition
14 years |
sommeria |
bug repair for phys
14 years |
sommeria |
correction bug for vector plot (Fixscale did not work), extensions for …
14 years |
sommeria |
phys improved to deal with 3D fields
14 years |
sommeria |
new function vel2vol added: concatene vel fields from slices and …
14 years |
sommeria |
bug fixes to deal with volumes
14 years |
sommeria |
bug fixes to deal with volumes, storage of ACTION menu in series fixed
14 years |
sommeria |
bug in nbfield display conrrected, as well as bug in the storage of …
14 years |
sommeria |
put back deleted files
14 years |
sommeria |
put back deleted files
14 years |
sommeria |
Introduction of water wheight in calibration
14 years |
sommeria |
bug corrections. Introduction of water wheight in calibration
14 years |
sommeria |
bug corrections. Introduction of water wheight in calibration
14 years |
sommeria |
bug corrections. Introduction of water wheight in calibration
14 years |
sommeria |
bug corrections. Introduction of water wheight in calibration
14 years |
sommeria |
bug corrections. Introduction of water wheight in calibration
14 years |
sommeria |
bug corrections. Introduction of water wheight in calibration
14 years |
sommeria |
elimination of get_plot_handles.m (not useful)
14 years |
sommeria |
elimination of get_plot_handles.m (not useful)
14 years |
sommeria |
improves the use of get_field, no projection object by default in …
14 years |
sommeria |
civ: version working for all systems: windows, linux, mac
plots: …
14 years |
sommeria |
introduce edit boxes to set axis limits. rationalisation of names …
14 years |
sommeria |
various bug repairs and cleaning, pb of dates in french with check_files