
Dec 4, 2011:

5:54 PM Changeset [316] by sommeria
a few more bugs corrected, now the new civ_matlab works for civ1,fix1, …

Dec 3, 2011:

10:25 PM Changeset [315] by sommeria
many corrections, use of the new GUI civ with mask, grid and the new …

Dec 1, 2011:

3:23 PM Changeset [314] by gostiaux
Conflict badly resolved at previous revision. Corrected now
12:44 PM Changeset [313] by sommeria
bug reapirs in view of vector colors and grid in civ
12:15 PM Changeset [312] by gostiaux
type of batch submission with oar added
11:38 AM Changeset [311] by gostiaux
oar menu for different modes added
11:19 AM Changeset [310] by gostiaux
civ with mpilauncher included

Nov 30, 2011:

11:09 PM Changeset [309] by sommeria
many bugs corrected, cleaning of civ.m, resize of the GUI civ
4:19 PM Changeset [308] by gostiaux
batch for LEGI debugging

Nov 28, 2011:

8:43 PM Changeset [307] by sommeria
bug fixed in the browser of civ + bug fix for the plot of objects
7:28 PM Changeset [306] by gostiaux
bug if you do not launch uvmat from the uvmat dir corrected
6:49 PM Changeset [305] by gostiaux
Bug (inversion between num2str and str2num) corrected
6:39 PM Changeset [304] by gostiaux
walltime arranged for submission in batch of n<ncores jobs
6:27 PM Changeset [303] by gostiaux
Bug in batch submission when the string "bat" was in filename; corrected.

Nov 26, 2011:

4:31 PM Changeset [302] by sommeria
improve the display of projection objects

Nov 25, 2011:

11:24 AM Changeset [301] by sommeria
various bug fixes in civ.m

Nov 24, 2011:

10:34 PM Changeset [300] by sommeria
improve again the input to the civ GUI: a few bufg corrections
10:34 PM Changeset [299] by sommeria
improve again the input to the civ GUI: a few bufg corrections
4:33 PM Changeset [298] by sommeria
improve the input to the civ GUI

Nov 22, 2011:

5:04 PM Changeset [297] by gostiaux
oar-dispatch mode debuggued
1:39 PM Changeset [296] by sommeria

Nov 21, 2011:

5:54 PM Changeset [295] by sommeria
plotting functions debugged and checked after the introduction of uipanels
5:53 PM Changeset [294] by sommeria
plotting functions debugged and checked after the introduction of uipanels
4:03 PM Changeset [293] by gostiaux
; added
11:12 AM Changeset [292] by sommeria
GUI civ patch2 corrected (SmoothingParam?). uvmatand view_field updated …
10:20 AM Changeset [291] by gostiaux
code debuggues up to patch2; still need an update of the gui from Joel …
10:05 AM Changeset [290] by gostiaux
civ2 added with new name conventions

Nov 19, 2011:

7:39 PM Changeset [289] by sommeria
civ.m: gestion of subdirectory and pair display for civ2 improved
2:25 PM Changeset [288] by gostiaux
Bug in fix1 for windows arranged. Civ goes to patch1 on windows
10:40 AM Changeset [287] by sommeria
further cleaning after new GUI civ. The function mouse_alt_gui allows …

Nov 18, 2011:

8:32 PM Changeset [286] by gostiaux
Patch1 OK
8:11 PM Changeset [285] by gostiaux
fix1 now OK
5:25 PM Changeset [284] by gostiaux
CIV1 works again (windows)
4:21 PM Changeset [283] by gostiaux
modification for systems without svn
3:44 PM Changeset [282] by sommeria
further cleaning after new GUI civ. A general function read_GUI to …
3:35 PM Changeset [281] by sommeria
further cleaning after new GUI civ. A new function read_GUI is …
2:19 PM Changeset [280] by gostiaux
introduced dummy variables for multiple handles for the same tag... is …
1:55 PM Changeset [279] by gostiaux
civ opens again from uvmat
11:06 AM Changeset [278] by gostiaux
revision instead of version
11:00 AM Changeset [277] by gostiaux
check_functions renamed uvmat.m now checks the svn revision
10:45 AM Changeset [276] by sommeria
further cleaning after new GUI civ: rationalisation of check_Grid and …
1:18 AM Changeset [275] by sommeria
further cleaning after new GUI civ

Nov 17, 2011:

11:57 PM Changeset [274] by sommeria
further bug repair with renovated civ GUI
7:01 PM Changeset [273] by sommeria
GUI civ renovated with panels
5:44 PM Changeset [272] by gostiaux
functions read_param_... and cmd_... for civ1, civ2, fix1, fix2 …
3:23 PM Changeset [271] by gostiaux
Bug for multi-tif images removed
11:28 AM Ticket #4 (seuil image) created by gostiaux
Dans civ.m, il faut rajouter seuil image sur les couleurs pour que ca …
11:13 AM Ticket #3 (Path uvmat) created by gostiaux
Quand on lance uvmat depuis le dossier uvmat et qu'il n'est pas dans …
11:05 AM Ticket #2 (MULTI Tiff) created by gostiaux
Uvmat gère mal le multi-tif : * pb `a l'ouverture de fichier ??? …

Nov 12, 2011:

4:46 PM Changeset [270] by sommeria
minor bug repairs

Nov 10, 2011:

5:15 PM Changeset [269] by gostiaux
batch_file_list included in launch_jobs

Nov 8, 2011:

3:44 PM Changeset [268] by gostiaux
walltime set to 60min for packets of 6 jobs
1:31 PM Changeset [267] by gostiaux
queue nicejob added for oar submission
1:26 PM Changeset [266] by sommeria
bug on file rights fixed
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.