
Version 10 (modified by sommeria, 3 years ago) (diff)


WikiStart / Tutorial

A set of test examples are described in this tutorial, as listed in the table of content. Follow the links to get the instructions on-line.

The requested files are provided in set of archives UVMAT_DEMO... at Note that for use on the computer system of LEGI, this is accessible without download at the path '/fsnet/soft/eres/UVMAT/UVMAT_DEMO_FILES'(it is read only, copy the folder in your home folder).

The DEMO files can also be read and processed online without downloading from the OpenDAP server (accessible in the upper bar menu Open of the GUI uvmat).

Each folder contains both a sub-folder of raw images and processing results (with names marked by the extension .ref so they are not erased by your own processing results).